Sunday, February 24, 2013

Every day is a Good day!

This sickness thing is still not going away, but my desire to just lie around and watch movies all day is. So even though I wasn't on top of my game on Saturday we still had some fun. First, I got the mail and look what finally came!

Cour got me this necklace for Valentines Day, and I am in love. It's my Emery necklace. She will always have my heart :) Cheesey much? Oh yes. True though? Absolutely. It's the first thing we have ever purchased from Etsy, can't say it will be the last, and c'mon, the maker of this necklace packaged it  so stinkin cute! 

Then me and Emery made some cookies because Court has been wanting some chocolate chip cookies for sometime now, so I thought we'd surprise him.

 Cookie dough is so much better than the cookie, am I right?!

This is Emery's moo cow. She loves this thing! Like of all the toys she grabs now, the cow is the one she goes for.

We took a little rest and then because Court was gone shooting and I am not a fan of being alone, my sisters came over :) Love them. And this is what we did...

 Emmy's first painted piggies! A nice bright coral because we are ready for warm weather! 

And the paint had to math her hair bow of course :)

We went on a little walk too. It was short and sweet because it was cold!

And you can't have a day, holiday, road trip or anything else with sisters and not get at least one 'sister picture' as we have always called them. 
I don't know when it started, but anytime we are together now, one of us says...'Let's take a sister picture.' Or if we are going to a family function some one will send a text 'get ready so we can take a sister picture.' Get ready as in wear real clothes and not yoga pants bc we want this picture to be our new profile pic on Facebook cute. Kinda ridiculous, but I love that we do this. Even my dad has been a part of it. I can remember so many times when we all lived at home and so many Sundays he would say, "You all look so beautiful, after church let's take some sister pictures so I can have one of my beautiful girls." And honestly, no one ever put up a fuss :) I love my dad. Anytime we are all together now he still says this and it melts my heart a little bit. I cant wait for Em to have sisters so she can take a 'sister picture' and have Court tell them he wants a picture of his beautiful girls, even though he will already have a million. And not to discount all sibling pictures too :) We love our brothers!

And I have to end with one more rambling because it has been on my mind. My mom and dad recently got back from a cruise and oh man, hearing about it made me want a vacay. Something new and exciting to do, and to not have to worry about anything and help break up the mundane a little bit. I kept thinking how nice it would be and it made me start thinking a little bit how I feel like I'm just doing the same thing over and over.  As I was falling asleep last night though I thought about how my day was still fun, even though I wasn't on the beach. And that it was a little different than what I always do, and how I actually have wonderful times just being home and enjoying lots of little things, and clearly the load of laundry on top of my washer and dryer that has been there for several days now says I haven't been worrying much. I guess lately I have just tried to extra enjoy everything my day has to offer. Especially with my baby girl, because she wont always be little and it won't always be just her, and this is such a fun, new and exciting time in mine and Court's life and well, I am going to keep trying extra hard to soak it all up! And I fell asleep just loving my life. It is far from perfect, but those perfect moments I wrote about a little bit ago...Man, enjoy them! They really do happen every day. Well my rambling has come to an end, and I need to put on real clothes yoga pants because we have a all the Cook Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Cousin Sunday dinner in a little bit. Hope every one had a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Your baby is so stinkin' cute! She's making me baby hungry!

  2. So fun!! you are the mom! I wish we lived closer so we could see your cute little family more!!
