Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Perfect Moments

So it is getting later into the night and I can't sleep, and I started thinking about how my night went. And well, thinking about it made me want to write about it.  Because as you can see from the title of this post, who doesn't like perfect moments???

It sounds optimistic right? Well, it didn't start off that way. I actually was pretty sad. Sad because something I read made me a little discouraged, and that made me think of some other sad things until all my attention was focused on just plain, old badness (badness?). And no matter how hard I tried to shake that sad feeling away it went nowhere, but then I looked over and saw this....

 (remember? I told you this girl loves TV...*sigh* just like her dad)

And I felt the corners of my mouth start turning up. Trying to keep up the sadness thing though, I go back to what I am doing. Then, I look over again and see this....

And well, this just makes my heart melt. Quite honestly, when I look at my little love I am overwhelmed, and when I see moments like this (which thank goodness are often) my whole night is perfect :)

I then thought to myself, okay...I can shake this random, sad thing. And shake it I did. I had a perfect moment eating popcorn with my loves and watching a good show The Bachelor. Hearing Emery coo to me and Court all through it. Then I thought about my perfect moment this morning, when I heard Emery awake in her room 30 minutes before Court had to get up and leave us for work, so I brought her in to our comfy, big bed and set her right between us. And you best believe she got lots of sleepy cuddles and loves from her mommy and daddy. 

And well, then I thought about how many perfect moments I have every single day and how grateful I am for each one. I started a chain reaction of perfection in my mind as I thought about things like this...

Which led to memories like these....

And before you know it, more and more of my perfect moments that I keep special in my heart continued to flood through, and yes that sadness I felt only moments earlier had vanished. Even though I know it will pop-up again from time to time, as trivial as the cause may sometimes be, I feel so very grateful for my perfect moments and most of all... the people in them. :) They are what help create our moments of perfection, and get us through the not so perfect ones too.

We always have reasons to be happy!


  1. don't be sad you're never sad, its weird when you are. jk i know everyone has certain things on their minds that are hard.

    Just wanted to say it was a great post and your family is the cutest!

  2. those moments are all around us, we just need to open our eyes and take the time to recgonize them. thank you for your example!
