Monday, February 11, 2013

Some more to write about...

Okay, I know...2 posts in one day. I think it is the fact that I woke up to a gray, rainy Monday (makes me very jealous of my parents who are cruising the Caribbean right now) and snuggling in bed with my girl next to me to write about our small adventures brings me happiness. That, or the fact that I have mounds of laundry to get done and lots of cleaning to get to, and well...I am quite the procrastinator. But, I do have more to write about...

Our Sunday! Not the part where Emery spit-up all over me during the sacrament right as I put her over my shoulder, and got the mess all down my back and in my hair. Or the part where she leaked through her diaper and there was mess on her tights and up her back and I changed her in my primary class on the table while my 6 year old kids screamed and "Ewwed" and huddled in the corner closing their eyes. Nope, not that part.  I have to say that though stressful at the time, thinking about it now is making me laugh. Anyway, here is the special part, my dear friend Rachel had her baby boy and we got to go meet him!

I have always loved babies since I was little, and anytime I get to meet a new little one makes me very happy in a "life is such a gift" type of way. Plus, now it makes me think of my sweet Emery and how special of a day it truly was when she became our girl. Having babies is a big deal and reason to celebrate if you ask me!

*I also love moments like this with newborn babies bc I know parents love their babies, but now that I have my own I know just how much they love them, it's a very different, very strong and special love that I don't think you feel until you have your own :) 
Welcome to the world Mr. Owen! He is so sweet and tiny. I can't believe Em was ever that little, and that was just 3 1/2 months ago! Congrats Rachel and Jordan! 
*Em is a grump bc she just woke up*
Nothing better than mommas with their babies if you ask me. 

This made me so excited for Faith's baby girl to get here and for my sister Lindsay's baby (she actually finds out today what she is having) to get here! 


And then we came home and made some juice bc Court gave in to my wanting a juicer! 

 Not going to lie, I was actually not wanting to make juice at all, and kind of in a rotten mood bc my tiredness had caught up with me, and all I wanted to do was veg, but then Court and Emery came into the kitchen to help and that switched on my happy mode. 
 Delicious! Strawberries, Kiwis and apples 
  Emery preferred her hand

And this was actually taken on Friday, but I had to show-off Emmy's new trick. She balances like a pro! And it obviously makes daddy extremely proud. 

That's it! Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. SO cute Carly!!! She is getting too big!!! We miss her! Now that there are $45 flights to provo i am expecting you and court to visit a lot more!!!! :)
