Monday, February 11, 2013

A hike and some little changes

This last Saturday was a fun one indeed! Saturdays are always the best actually, I was just telling Court that Saturdays are my favorite days now. I used to have to work every Saturday so a weekend didn't mean much to me. Now Saturdays I am home with both my loves and adventures always await us.

Anyway...back to this last Saturday, Faith and Shaun and Cruzer came over in the late morning and then we all left together to go hiking! I have been wanting to go hike for awhile so I was so excited. Plus, it is prime hiking (and any other outside sports) weather for us Arizonans right now.  It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. We had a yummy lunch after and then all saw Wreck it Ralph at the dollar theater. Loved the movie! Loved watching even more how much Cruzer loved it! He is such a cute little guy!

 Court loves carrying Emmy around in this! Like, loves it so much it's the first thing he pretty much does when he gets home, sits her in it and then walks around haha.
 How I love our little family! 

My girl and me! 

The little changes....

Sometimes I think all of us ladies need a little something different done to spruce up the home, if you will. Well it was one of those times for me, so here is what me and Emery crafted :) and a couple little knick knacks we picked up from my favorite place on earth, Hobby Lobby. 

 Just the "Z", some scrapbook paper and burlap and it was a done deal!
 Excuse Em's toplessness, she had just spit up all over her shirt :)
 Little pink love birdies for Emery's shelves
 And Tah-dah! My Z, to fill an empty space in our shelf :) Took all of 15 minutes and 4 dollars 
 Much better now, yes?  I finally got some pillows for our couches too and I love that they make everything so much brighter and happy! I love little changes :)
And this is the first thing Court did when he got home from work that day, after I finally put some clothes on Emery. What'd I tell you about this baby carrier???

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