Wednesday, March 6, 2013

4 Months, and some Lovin'

Look who is 4 months old...(Well 4 months old on Feb 26th, but mom is a slacker)

Hi cutest girl! 

I say this every time, but I will say it again. They grow so fast! I have to say I have seen the most noticeable changes in the 3-4 month period. And I am going to tell you about them right now:

Em at 4 months:
-Grabs toys like a champ and sticks them in her mouth (her moo cow has some competition with her fish rattle now)
-Rolls from back to side, is so close to going all the way over. Same with tummy to back. I'm getting impatient bc she is soooooo close! 
-She is good at sitting up with little assistance, even in her bouncer and stroller, its like she is always doing ab crunches because she likes to be straight up to see everything. She prefers the bumbo. 
-She grabs her toes and loves to kick her legs around like nobody's buisness
-Loves her thumb. I went to check on her when she was taking a nap and she had both thumbs in her mouth, example:
*Trying to fit both in again, it makes me laugh
-She is a tall girl, She grew 4 1/2 inches since her 2 month appointment and is 95th percentile in height. She is 26 inches and has long legs like Daddy. 
-She weighs 15lbs. 6 0z. and is 75th percentile in weight. 
-LOVES talking. She is always making noises. 

That's our Em, she is usually happy and always seems content unless she is tired or hungry. We are going to start Rice cereal this weekend so we will see how that goes, and so will everyone else bc of course there will be a whole blog post devoted to her first time eating food :)

I sill love every moment with her and try so hard to always be fully in it bc she is changing and getting big so quick. I swear this past month there were times I would go get her in the morning and she looked a little different than the day before. Me and Court just adore our girl. 

The lovin'

I always am so grateful for all the love Emmy gets from so many others and not just her mom and dad. So I thought I'd post a couple pictures of it.

 Emmy and Auntie Kristen. So, a lot of people don't know this, but Emery Kaye isn't just named for her amazing Grammy Kaye. I told Court this when we decided Kaye as a middle name after his mom, that the 'K' in Kaye was for her sweet Aunt kristen, and that I would always make sure Emery knows she is named after two incredible people. Em knows her aunt Kristen very well because Kristen works very close to our house and almost always comes for her lunch break, and we love it. Honestly, Kristen is like a second mom to our girl. She loves her, takes care of her, puts her down for naps and grabs her out of my arms anytime we are together. I love it. I love Kristen. Miss Emery Kaye has a lot to live up too with the 2 special people she is named for.
 Uncle Tyler. We don't get to see him as much, but he came over and visited us the other day and it made me happy. Without fail Tyler can always get Emery to smile. Always. We hope he visits us more!
Faith, Shaun and Cruzer. Love them. Cruzer loves Em and so do Faith and Shaun. They are always so helpful with her whenever we are together. Court and I don't ever want them to leave AZ.

 Grandma and Grandpa love their Em, and you could say she gets a little spoiled haha.  We feel so lucky to be close to so many of our family. I wish I could put up a picture of everyone bc I know Em is still loved from far away too and that makes my heart happy.

And oh, what would I do without my girl? 


  1. She is SO cute. You're making me baby hungry!!! I see what you mean about her looking older. She looks like she's growing more into her features. What a doll!

  2. Thanks Katie! You are so sweet! Haha, I'm not going to lie, having a little babe is the BEST! But enjoy just having you two too :) I hope you and the hubs are doing well! Visiting AZ anytime soon?

  3. I am so spoiled living so close to parents and siblings. seriously what would we do without them. They help us raise our little babes!

  4. Those pictures of emery are the cutest!!! i miss that girl! She is growing wayyyy to fast! i just want to squeeze her chubby body!!!!

    1. Shelby you are so nice! I wish you could squeeze her too! I want to see Pres, and wish so bad we could've been there for her Birthday! It looked so cute! You plan the cutest parties, put some pictures up on your blog, I've been wanting to hear how her Birthday went!

  5. emery you are spoiled!:) lucky your so cute, we love you! and love living so close to we can squeeze you anytime we want!
