Monday, February 4, 2013

Our 3 Month Girl

Our baby love turned 3 months on Jan 26th. I am truly amazed at how much these little babes learn in such a short amount of time, and how fast they grow. Already little Em's legs are getting a bit long for her 0-3 month jammies and I think we have maybe 2 weeks left in them. She is also turning into quite the little chunk, with the cutest round, rosy, squeezable cheeks I've ever seen! I love every moment with her and look forward to every new thing she learns!

My Em at 3 months:

-If you can't tell she still loves smiling! 
-She has started reaching out and grabbing toys a little bit, but we've noticed she loves looking at people way more than toys it seems. (and the dumb TV. Seriously, loves it)
-Her hands! She loves her hands, she holds them together, sucks on them and will always hold them up like in the last picture and look at them and then look at me and then back at them, it's like she is saying "Mom, look at these awesome things! Aren't they great?" It cracks me up.
-She hasn't rolled yet, she is getting close but this girl is not a fan of tummy time. She can hold her head great and lift up her legs and will rock a bit but then she says forget this and lies back down, starts sucking on her hand and puts herself to sleep. 
-She does scoot on her back though. I put her at the top of the crib and in the morning she is at the bottom. She lifts her legs and bum up and then swings them down and sticks her legs straight out. It is pretty funny to watch. I wake up sometimes and can hear her little legs hitting the mattress. 
-She loves to talk. She coo's and laughs all the time. She especially loves talking with Daddy. She'll imitate the noises you make at her. Me and Court love to talk to her. 
-She pretty much sleeps through the night. Holla! She started doing that about a month ago. About 8-8:30 until 7-7:30, sometimes there is a 4AM feeding in there :)
Me and Court wonder all the time how we got so lucky to have such a good and happy baby. She only really gets fussy now or cries when she is tired. 
Like I said above I am just in awe of how fast they grow. Just 3 months ago she was my little newborn baby. I love it, but sometimes I wish they took a little longer to grow.  Anyway...Here are some more pictures just because.....

 Love her all nakey, I told Court the other day that there are 2 things I would change about babies. 1 being that they could stay all nakey and wear cute bows bc I can't get enough of little rolls and their perfectly soft skin. 2 being that they were as durable as a teddy bear so you could snuggle and squeeze them when you slept, just like you did with your teddy bear when you were a kid.

 Haha, the half smile. She loves giving half smiles and they crack me up! Almost like, 'I'm giving you this kinda smile to be nice.'

That's it! Can't believe how much I love my girl! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how fast they grow!!! She's so DANG cute!
