Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We've been busy...Having fun!

We have been pretty busy this last weekend and this week. It started Saturday with the 'All are alike unto God' conference, a conference to promote greater love and understanding of LGBT/SSA members  of the LDS church. It was so good and deserves it's own post, so that will be coming soon. Sunday morning we headed over to Shaun and Faiths to watch this cute guy...

Because this sweet girl....

was on her way.

We love Cruzer. He was so much fun to watch and he entertained Emery a lot! 

We were able to go see Shaun, Faith and sweet little Oakley that same night.  Guess who else we have gotten to spend time with this week...

Grammy! Emmy has missed her!

On Monday me and Em went and had lunch with Dad at work. We love when we get to see Daddy during the day .

Tuesday was a lot of fun. Me and Emery headed over to my mom's house early in the morning, and my mom, Tanner and Lindsay, me and Em headed to the Phoenix Zoo. It was hot but still fun, and all the animals were out so we actually had great views. I can't wait until Emery is a little bigger so she is more excited about the animals. I think she still had fun though :) I'm hoping to take her more this Summer b/c I am positive she will love the splash pads they have there.  

 Can't get enough of this little chunk

 Geese walking around with their babies
 Lindsay (and Ansley...who by the way is fine now because Lindsay's placenta moved where it needed to go so everything is normal and Lindsay will get to have a normal delivery :) So grateful for that miracle!) And Tanner, love having him home from BYU for awhile.
 Me and my girl

This little babe was out like a light at the end . Thanks Grandma for the cute shirt! 

We headed over to Faith and Shaun's that night and had fun seeing everyone and spending time together. 

What fun we have been having. I think the last part of this week is going to be just as good! 


  1. So glad Lindsay and the babe are A-okay!

    Still in love with your baby. I hope mine are just as cute!

    1. I wish you were down here to meet her! And your babies will be absolutely darling :)

  2. wow that is a fun week. thanks for all your help lately i really appreciate it.

  3. i am loving all these updates!!! We love seeing em, now if we could only see her in person. ha she is getting so big!
