Friday, April 26, 2013

6 Months

6 Months?! We are at half a year people! My little Em is not so little anymore. She is getting so smart, and I am loving her cute personality. Happy 6 months little love!

Let's do a time line, yes?

 1 Month
 2 Months
 3 Months

 4 Months
 5 Months
 And..6 whole Months :)
We are loving every minute with our Emery girl, and I am wishing time would slow down a teensy bit. Emery has such a sweet personality and it is getting more and more fun to play with her. There have been a lot more noticeable changes this month. Which include:

 -Sitting up like a champ, rarely falls backwards and never falls forward, She has been putting her hands out in front of her now and leaning to get toys and stuff...hopefully getting ready to crawl soon???
 Waves "Hi" this was the closest pic I could get of her waving. It is the cutest.

 -Getting more mobile. Downward Dog, yoga anyone?
-Being more precious, if that's possible 
 -Loves to move! She would rock back and forth on the couch all day long if she could

- Everything goes straight to her mouth now. 

-She has a little tooth
-She weighs 18 pounds
-She loves being loud and laughing 
-She is good at eating (apples are her favorite so far, I think) 
-she loves to look at peoples hands and feet and tries imitating what you do with them. She has been trying to clap her hands and did it a little bit yesterday 

We love our girl. She is so full of life and you can just see her observing everything you do. It is quite amazing to watch these little peanuts grow up. I can't get enough of her. I am so grateful Emmy is a healthy girl. We don't know what we'd do without her. more picture since I hardly have any on this post. Ha! 

Hi cute girl! 


  1. So so cute! I love that chubby girl, now only if we could get down there to see her!

  2. She is so beautiful!!! I can't wait to go camping this weekend so I can see her!
