Saturday, May 18, 2013

Family Pictures & Mother's Day

I can't believe May is more than half way over! I didn't realize it has been awhile since I last updated, so...get ready for an overload!

We got some family pictures taken about a month in half ago by my friend Rachel who does a wonderful job! I loved them, and it's nice to have some updated pictures around :) I thought I would post a few of my favorites...

Did I say a few??? Ha, I meant nine. 

 I decided to get a little crafty for Mother's Day this year and made these for my Momma and Mother-in-law.

I thought they turned out pretty cute and they were fun to make. Not hard or expensive either. I Just cut out pictures in different sizes and mod-podged them onto the pot and then tied a tool ribbon around the top. I just used clay pots and painted them. I like that it's a cute and different way to display pictures. 
Plus, I think the Grandmas liked them :) 

I feel so very blessed to have such a wonderful Mom. What an example she has been to me! And how grateful I am for a Mother-in-law who raised such a good son! I hope they each had an amazing Mother's Day because those 2 ladies deserve the best! 

My Mother's Day was a  good and quiet one. We actually left for our annual family trip to Rocky Point, Mexico that morning and that's the best gift you can me. The trip was even more fun now that I have my little Em to bring. Oh, how I love being a Momma! 

1 comment:

  1. ok your family pictures are perfect. what a cute fam.

    happy late mothers day!
