Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summa Time

I love Summer! Love it (unless I am pregnant...not so much then). People may think I am a little crazy for liking it as much as I do because Arizona gets hot, like leave up North because I have to get out of here hot. Even then, I love it. There is always swimming and lots of BBQs and all I ever smell is sunscreen, and burgers grilling. I love looking forward to vacations, being with family and seeing Emery meet new little cousins. I love early morning runs in the summer too. It just feels different. It's nice and quiet and so still. And I love it because I love sunshine! Looks like I am living in the right place :) I have had so much fun taking Emery to the pool. She loves the water and is happy just splashing away or floating in her tube. So we have been doing a lot of this lately...

 Just relaxing. Mmmmm, love those squishy thighs! 
 Taking a nap
 Thanks Cruzer for letting me play with your squirt gun!
The other day I had a few friends come over with their littles and we all headed to the pool. We had fun playing with the babies and talking. I was mad I didn't take more pictures, but I did get this one of Em and Owen after swimming. Little buddies :)
I have to say that this Summer has started off wonderful :) We've all ready had at least 4 BBQ's and have been swimming a lot. We got to go celebrate Cruzer's 3rd Birthday yesterday which was so fun and so cute! We adore that little guy and it's been so fun watching him grow up. Me and Court get more and more sad knowing that Faith and Shaun's time in AZ is growing shorter. 
 Happy Birthday Cruzer guy!
Before we headed off to Cruz's Birthday party...this was supposed to be a family picture, but Court was being a party pooper.
We are having a BBQ in the evening for Memorial Day (Bet you didn't see that one coming) at my Mom and Dad's tomorrow which will be filled with pool games and delicious food! Even better, Court doesn't have to work tomorrow so we are going to take advantage of that! We are going to be celebrating Court's 26th Birthday on Tuesday before me and Em head up to Utah to go pick up some Motorcycles for Court, and then before you know it...Bear Lake time will be here. I love everything about this Summer already. I see a 'Summer To Do List' coming in the near future :) 

Hope everyone has a beautiful Summer too! Stay cool! 

Oh...and look who is 7 months old today....

 Did I mention I love Summer baby clothes?
Or no clothes :) 

7 Month Post will hopefully be up tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Em is getting so big and I love her growing personality too.

    Thanks for coming to Cruz's bday he loved having u here.
