Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Radio Show

Last Friday me and Emery ventured over to Grandma and Grandpa Cook's house. They love when I bring Emery over! And I love going! Grandma spoils you and makes you the best sandwich you have ever had :) I always feel so lucky to know my Grandma and Grandpa so well. My dad was the oldest in his family and the first to have children, so we all had Grandma and Grandpa to ourselves and I am so close with them.

After lunch we went over to an insurance office that always holds games and activities for the elderly. My Grandpa is in a group that does radio shows, and they put one on at this place. It was very entertaining and the skits were from World War 2 time. They were actually pretty funny, and I love hearing stories from this era. Emery was a precious and all the old people loved her. I love spending time with my Grandma and Grandpa!

This is the only picture I got, darn it. That is my beautiful Grandma who I love more than anything. Seriously, she is the kindest person you will ever meet. 


On a side note, Emery got a new toy....

Daddy got her a walker, her feet don't touch the floor but she loves it. Girl, loves to be up where she can see everything. Oh, this is off the subject, but she finally rolled over too! Back to tummy first (still can't do tummy to back even though we do tummy time a trillion times a day).

And another side note, I love when I am on the computer, or a little preoccupied with something and I look over and see this...

Just girl lookin' over at me, smiling so big. Haha, she does this so much. Same thing when I am feeding her and all the sudden she stops and I look down and she's just looking up at me, smiling. She has the prettiest smile in the whole world. 

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