Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pumpkin Patch and Zoo trips!

I am so behind on my blogging! Get ready for an annoying amount of posts!

One of my favorite things we did during the lovely October month was when we visited the pumpkin patch. It was just our little family, and it was so fun being together. Emery LOVED it. I can't wait until next year when Crew will be able to run around with his big sister.

 She was so excited to pick out her pumpkin, it took her forever to decide which one she wanted.
Decorating her pumpkin with stickers. She is loving stickers right now.

 Haha poor Crew-Crew. He was not happy about getting woken up from his deep slumber for this.
 These people are my best.

We have gone to the zoo A LOT this month, but that's what you do when you get a zoo pass (thanks for the early Christmas present Grandma!). We have had a lot of fun. 
Cousin Addi, Ans and Em
 I love this picture because 1: Crew is the cutest and 2: His little hat just kills me.
 On one trip we did the giraffe encounter and that was a blast! Definitely worth it!
 Emery probably liked this trip best because Grandpa came. She is kind of obsessed with him, it makes my heart melt.
Brushing the goat, or the "Goot" is how Em says them haha. 

We sure love this time of year and all the fun that comes with it!

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