Wednesday, November 5, 2014

4 Months

Crew is now 4 (well 4 1/2, but who's being specific) months old! I can't believe it! He is my sweet little butter ball. Here is our 4 month old Crew man...

 He is 75th percentile in height and weighs exactly 17 pounds.
 He ab crunches off everything now and has already sat up alone for about 5 seconds. 

 Talking away.

 He loves playing with his tongue right now. It's almost always out of his mouth.

 Can basically roll from back to stomach now.
 17 pounds of fluffy cuteness right there. 

 My cutest babies. He is pretty much use getting malled by Em, and he really doesn't mind. He seriously laughs and smiles at everything she does. I love it!

We tried rice cereal the other day bc his pediatritcian said he was big enough and could probably use it. He definitely wasn't ready, we did try yesterday though and he did much better. 
Poor guy has to use so much pink stuff. 

Crew is also:
-Grabbing toys a lot better. 
-Laughs a lot, especially bc he is so tickle-ish
-Does NOT take good naps. He is such a cat napper and so he gets grumpy real fast, we have been working on naps more this week though and he is getting better.
-Finally, finally sleeping during the night with the exception of a 4AM feeding . Thank you! 
-Sucks on his hands a lot now, and has found his thumb a few times. I hope that sticks but probably not because....
-He still loves loves his binkys 
-Seems to really like his silky 

We all just love this guy more and more every day. He is my ball of chubby happiness. He has taught me so much and I am so grateful for him. We love you Crew-boo! 

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