Saturday, November 8, 2014

Em's 2nd Birthday

I still cannot believe my baby girl is 2 now. She is so smart and sweet and is quite a chatter box now. I will do her 2 year old update as soon as I get her picture back :)

Until then...let's talk about her Birthday party. We had so much going on the week of her Birthday so we were just going to keep her party simple, presents and cake and ice cream with family. It was a lot of fun and she was definitely a queen for a day.

 Woke up to a balloon filled room. 
 She chose that crown for her birthday hat haha. 
I asked what color she wanted her cake to be and she said, "Pink!"

 This was so funny, Court was holding Em and he announced that we were going to do presents and Em got so serious and folded her arms and sat that way forever while Lincoln and Donovan brought her gifts over to her. She is kinda a diva sometimes haha. 

 She loves Winnie the Pooh
 These aren't the best pictures....but still so very cute
 Oh, she is cutie!

 Stealing candy off her cake.

We are so absolutely in love with our 2 year old Emmy. There is not one thing I would change about her. We loved celebrating her Birthday. I couldn't have asked for a better first babe or a better oldest sister! I just cannot believe how fast time is going. I still just see my chubby, baby girl sometimes. We sure love you Em! 

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