Monday, October 6, 2014

3 Months

Our little man turned 3 months on September 17th, and I am late with the update, per the norm :)
I absolutely love 3-4 month stage in babies. It is one of my favorites because they tend to sleep better at night, but you aren't having to worry about a schedule so much during the day, they turn into little chub chubs and are just happy, smiley and immobile. It's the best for cuddling :)

Here is our baby love at 3 (more like 3 1/2) months...

 Stop. I love this.

 He seems to be following after Em height wise.

 Awww, I can't even...I just want to kiss his face all the time
 Strong guy. 

Crew update:
Crew is the sweetest. I know, I know...the first two months were a little rough, but he just had to figure stuff out :) And I am so glad he did because he is a little gem. 
He pretty much just chills and is happy unless he is getting sleepy. Besides that, the fussing and crying is minimal. Crew is...
-Trying to grab stuff
-Coo's all the time
-laughs! and it is the best sound!
-loves to watch Emery
-loves his bouncer
-LOVES baths still 
-And of course loves his binkys
-Looks and sucks on his hands a lot! I wish he would find that thumb of his bc the binky thing is the death of me. You can't loose a thumb when you're sleeping ;)
-Still waking mommy up at night. He was doing so good and only waking up once for like 15 minutes, but the past week has been 2-3 times. UGH. Still love him. 
-Loves sleeping smack next to mommy in bed with my *ahem* boobs in his face. We decided to finally move him into his crib tonight so wish us luck! 
We sure love this chubby babe! 
 He loves her 
 She loves him...most the time. 

 Naps with grandma. We spend way too much time over there. 
 The 2 best things to ever happen to me 

I sure love my Crewboo and love watching him grow. They change so much so fast! I can't believe he will be 4 months in a couple weeks. Before I know it he'll be the one turing two. and on that note I cannot believe my Em is going to be 2 soon!!! Let's tell time to slow down a bit.

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