Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Showers Saturday and Cousin Time

Court and I had a good, busy weekend, which are the best kind if you ask me.

 On Friday Court, Shaun and Cruzer, and Devan took off to go camping. They said it was a 'test run' to make sure we would all be ready to go :) They had a good time.

Since Court was gone on Friday I decided to get a head start on the cupcakes I was making for Faith's baby shower the next day. (Me and Faith both decided next time the boys are gone we're going to dinner and doing something else fun..maybe get nails done?) I decided to head over to my parents house so me and Em would have a little company. Kristen stayed and helped with the cupcakes until she went out so that was fun.

 MMM..love those chunky legs!
Emmy has been chomping on her hand A LOT, for good reason too...guess what popped through on this Friday night? A little bottom tooth. She is getting so big! 

Showers Saturday (As in a baby shower and a bridal shower)

I ended up staying the night at my parents which worked out nicely because I got to do some shopping in Kristen's closet :) I had to make frosting in the morning and then me, Em and my sisters headed over to Faith's baby Shower.

We had so much fun, and the shower was so cute! It made me so excited for baby Oakley to get here! I am so mad I didn't get a picture! Just pretend that under this one there is a picture of my beautiful sister-in-law Faith with her cute, little pregnant belly surrounded by all things pink :)

Me and Lindsay left the shower a little early and headed over to the bridal shower for one of my best friends from High School, Angela. It was so fun to see her and her sweet family, and other good friends  I haven't seen for awhile.

 It was so good to see my friend Brenda! She is having her second baby girl in July and is such a good mom! She was so cute with Emery while we were there. 
So happy for Angela. She has always been such an amazing friend and someone I have always very much admired. She is going to be a beautiful bride! 

The showers were so fun, but we were ready to get home and see Daddy. 

Cousin Time!

Our weekend was also extra fun because Carol and Tyler were visiting from Chicago. Visiting because they need to find somewhere to live when they move down in a month :) We are so excited for them to be here. Arizona is where it's at people! 

This is the only picture I got. At least I got one right?
We can't wait for Carol and Tyler and their cute little boys to be here! 

And I just took these on Sunday because I love Emery with her Daddy, and Daddy loves his Emmy. If you can't tell by Court's face...our church time is early in the morning haha

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