Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Good

I've been feeling extra grateful for my little family lately. I think because of all the sad things that have happened the last couple weeks-the bombing at the Boston Marathon, and the plant blowing up in Texas. My heart goes out to all those who were affected. I remember watching the news about the bombing and crying while I hugged Emmy. I was sad this happened in our country, sad for the people who had to live through that, sad for what kind of world we live in and if it was going to get worse as my girl grew up in it. It got me a little down, but then I watched the coverage that showed so many people run to help others, and I was reminded that even when tragedy strikes, now and throughout history, we always overcome and become stronger because of it.

Something else came to mind as I watched and read about all this too, and this little phrase (I found it off an old friend's facebook status a few months ago) has stuck with me, especially when I start thinking and worrying about 'what is this world coming to?' type of stuff. I just remember, 'People are inherently good.' It's true. When you get down to it and talk to someone you think is so different from you, they really are not. Most of us just want to be good, want the best for our families, want to be loved, etc. We are all very much the same, and I am so grateful for that. The world may not always  have the best things or best people in it, but it is still full of so much good. So I'm choosing to focus on that, and will try to help it stay good in any way I can.

Plus, I want it to stay beautiful for her.


  1. Good post! One of the victims of the bombing was a girl from Shenyang :( ; it's been big in the news lately--very sad.

    You know, a lot of people like to harp on "how bad the world's getting," in fact, for years it has been getting a lot better in most ways.

    I think you have a great attitude. Love you! And thanks for updating your blog and reminding me of it.

  2. I like your thoughtful, introspective post. Good message!
