Friday, March 29, 2013

A Walk in the Park

On Thursday I took Emery to Red Mountain Park to go walking....and meet a new friend :) We met up with my friend Cami and her adorable little boy, Jackson. He is just 3 months older than Emery. We had a good time catching up and of course, talking about the babes. It definitely won't be the last time we all go walking. It was a nice change in our day.

 Waiting for our friends :)
 Cutest babes, Emery and Jackson
And Em passed out as soon as we got home and took a nice, long nap in mom and dad's bed. It's too hot now for clothes :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

5 Months

First, go me for actually posting Em's 5 month update on the day she is actually 5 months :)

Hello to my 5 month girl...

Emery is...

-still loving her thumb, especially when she goes to sleep

-getting good at sitting up, she needs support with pillows and stuff but sometimes she will ab crunch off them and sit up for a few seconds by herself...before she tips over

-Still a tall girl

-A toe loving girl

-Always such a happy girl and quick to smile

-A 'kinda' roller. She has rolled 3 times and that's all. She rolls onto her sides all the time, but rarely all the way over. 

She kept sticking her leg out when I was taking pictures and it was making me laugh so bad. Yes Emery, you're little foot is so cute. 

She is just our sweetest girl. She goes down for naps well, sleeps through the night almost every night, and is rarely fussy. She has such a laid back and cheerful personality. We just adore her. She also has her daddy wrapped around her finger, which I love. I cannot believe she is 5 months. I went and looked at all her little new born pictures and I miss that tiny Emery, but I'm loving this little chub and seeing her personality and all she is learning. She is my very best! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Lake Days make the Best Days

On Saturday me, Court, Emery and Kristen set off to Canyon Lake with my Uncle Steve and Aunt Shauna and some of their kids. We had so much fun! We had beautiful 78 degree weather, and what is better than being able to spend all day under that bright, blue AZ sky? I think Emery liked the boat too, she was so calm the whole time and was even able to get a nap in. Here are some pictures of our lake day!

 She loved sucking on the corner of that life jacket.

 Everything is A-Okay as long as her thumb is in her mouth
 Kristen was a big help on our boat trip! 

 Court with Em and cousin Caliber
 Sadie and Caliber love Emery :)
 Wake surfing 
 Cal and Em

Sadie and Cal also LOVE Court :) 

We had a blast! Thank you Shauna and Steve for inviting us! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Radio Show

Last Friday me and Emery ventured over to Grandma and Grandpa Cook's house. They love when I bring Emery over! And I love going! Grandma spoils you and makes you the best sandwich you have ever had :) I always feel so lucky to know my Grandma and Grandpa so well. My dad was the oldest in his family and the first to have children, so we all had Grandma and Grandpa to ourselves and I am so close with them.

After lunch we went over to an insurance office that always holds games and activities for the elderly. My Grandpa is in a group that does radio shows, and they put one on at this place. It was very entertaining and the skits were from World War 2 time. They were actually pretty funny, and I love hearing stories from this era. Emery was a precious and all the old people loved her. I love spending time with my Grandma and Grandpa!

This is the only picture I got, darn it. That is my beautiful Grandma who I love more than anything. Seriously, she is the kindest person you will ever meet. 


On a side note, Emery got a new toy....

Daddy got her a walker, her feet don't touch the floor but she loves it. Girl, loves to be up where she can see everything. Oh, this is off the subject, but she finally rolled over too! Back to tummy first (still can't do tummy to back even though we do tummy time a trillion times a day).

And another side note, I love when I am on the computer, or a little preoccupied with something and I look over and see this...

Just girl lookin' over at me, smiling so big. Haha, she does this so much. Same thing when I am feeding her and all the sudden she stops and I look down and she's just looking up at me, smiling. She has the prettiest smile in the whole world. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Last Saturday seemed like it was going to be quiet. All day Friday Emery's eye had been goopy and I was worried she had an infection, and she still seemed a little bit more fussy than usual, I think because of her shots. And all this carried over to Saturday. Court and I hadn't done much besides a little bit of cleaning and we all just seemed to be in a little funk. In my head I was thinking we should do something, Em's eye seemed to be doing better, we needed to go get some fresh air, etc. So I was so happy when Jordan called up Court at 3:30 in the afternoon and we all decided to go to Red Mtn. Park and have a BBQ at 4:30. It was random and spontaneous, and just what we needed.

 Em didn't know what to make of the ducks, she just stared at them wide-eyed. 
 Love this kid
 So happy little Owen got to join us. He is such a sweet little peanut.

Little girl didn't last long :)

It was freezing cold, but oh so enjoyable! 

Friday, March 8, 2013

A First

Emery had her first experience with Rice cereal yesterday evening. I think she liked it, she didn't quite know what was going on and would give a little shriek, grunt noise (I call it her high maintenance scream) as soon as I took the spoon away to get some more cereal (Girl does not like interruptions while eating, she expects it to keep comin' haha). We had so much fun though, and Court took a million pictures. I just can't believe our baby girl is getting so big!

 Look who stopped by on her way home from work.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

4 Months, and some Lovin'

Look who is 4 months old...(Well 4 months old on Feb 26th, but mom is a slacker)

Hi cutest girl! 

I say this every time, but I will say it again. They grow so fast! I have to say I have seen the most noticeable changes in the 3-4 month period. And I am going to tell you about them right now:

Em at 4 months:
-Grabs toys like a champ and sticks them in her mouth (her moo cow has some competition with her fish rattle now)
-Rolls from back to side, is so close to going all the way over. Same with tummy to back. I'm getting impatient bc she is soooooo close! 
-She is good at sitting up with little assistance, even in her bouncer and stroller, its like she is always doing ab crunches because she likes to be straight up to see everything. She prefers the bumbo. 
-She grabs her toes and loves to kick her legs around like nobody's buisness
-Loves her thumb. I went to check on her when she was taking a nap and she had both thumbs in her mouth, example:
*Trying to fit both in again, it makes me laugh
-She is a tall girl, She grew 4 1/2 inches since her 2 month appointment and is 95th percentile in height. She is 26 inches and has long legs like Daddy. 
-She weighs 15lbs. 6 0z. and is 75th percentile in weight. 
-LOVES talking. She is always making noises. 

That's our Em, she is usually happy and always seems content unless she is tired or hungry. We are going to start Rice cereal this weekend so we will see how that goes, and so will everyone else bc of course there will be a whole blog post devoted to her first time eating food :)

I sill love every moment with her and try so hard to always be fully in it bc she is changing and getting big so quick. I swear this past month there were times I would go get her in the morning and she looked a little different than the day before. Me and Court just adore our girl. 

The lovin'

I always am so grateful for all the love Emmy gets from so many others and not just her mom and dad. So I thought I'd post a couple pictures of it.

 Emmy and Auntie Kristen. So, a lot of people don't know this, but Emery Kaye isn't just named for her amazing Grammy Kaye. I told Court this when we decided Kaye as a middle name after his mom, that the 'K' in Kaye was for her sweet Aunt kristen, and that I would always make sure Emery knows she is named after two incredible people. Em knows her aunt Kristen very well because Kristen works very close to our house and almost always comes for her lunch break, and we love it. Honestly, Kristen is like a second mom to our girl. She loves her, takes care of her, puts her down for naps and grabs her out of my arms anytime we are together. I love it. I love Kristen. Miss Emery Kaye has a lot to live up too with the 2 special people she is named for.
 Uncle Tyler. We don't get to see him as much, but he came over and visited us the other day and it made me happy. Without fail Tyler can always get Emery to smile. Always. We hope he visits us more!
Faith, Shaun and Cruzer. Love them. Cruzer loves Em and so do Faith and Shaun. They are always so helpful with her whenever we are together. Court and I don't ever want them to leave AZ.

 Grandma and Grandpa love their Em, and you could say she gets a little spoiled haha.  We feel so lucky to be close to so many of our family. I wish I could put up a picture of everyone bc I know Em is still loved from far away too and that makes my heart happy.

And oh, what would I do without my girl?