Saturday, November 8, 2014

Em's 2nd Birthday

I still cannot believe my baby girl is 2 now. She is so smart and sweet and is quite a chatter box now. I will do her 2 year old update as soon as I get her picture back :)

Until then...let's talk about her Birthday party. We had so much going on the week of her Birthday so we were just going to keep her party simple, presents and cake and ice cream with family. It was a lot of fun and she was definitely a queen for a day.

 Woke up to a balloon filled room. 
 She chose that crown for her birthday hat haha. 
I asked what color she wanted her cake to be and she said, "Pink!"

 This was so funny, Court was holding Em and he announced that we were going to do presents and Em got so serious and folded her arms and sat that way forever while Lincoln and Donovan brought her gifts over to her. She is kinda a diva sometimes haha. 

 She loves Winnie the Pooh
 These aren't the best pictures....but still so very cute
 Oh, she is cutie!

 Stealing candy off her cake.

We are so absolutely in love with our 2 year old Emmy. There is not one thing I would change about her. We loved celebrating her Birthday. I couldn't have asked for a better first babe or a better oldest sister! I just cannot believe how fast time is going. I still just see my chubby, baby girl sometimes. We sure love you Em! 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

4 Months

Crew is now 4 (well 4 1/2, but who's being specific) months old! I can't believe it! He is my sweet little butter ball. Here is our 4 month old Crew man...

 He is 75th percentile in height and weighs exactly 17 pounds.
 He ab crunches off everything now and has already sat up alone for about 5 seconds. 

 Talking away.

 He loves playing with his tongue right now. It's almost always out of his mouth.

 Can basically roll from back to stomach now.
 17 pounds of fluffy cuteness right there. 

 My cutest babies. He is pretty much use getting malled by Em, and he really doesn't mind. He seriously laughs and smiles at everything she does. I love it!

We tried rice cereal the other day bc his pediatritcian said he was big enough and could probably use it. He definitely wasn't ready, we did try yesterday though and he did much better. 
Poor guy has to use so much pink stuff. 

Crew is also:
-Grabbing toys a lot better. 
-Laughs a lot, especially bc he is so tickle-ish
-Does NOT take good naps. He is such a cat napper and so he gets grumpy real fast, we have been working on naps more this week though and he is getting better.
-Finally, finally sleeping during the night with the exception of a 4AM feeding . Thank you! 
-Sucks on his hands a lot now, and has found his thumb a few times. I hope that sticks but probably not because....
-He still loves loves his binkys 
-Seems to really like his silky 

We all just love this guy more and more every day. He is my ball of chubby happiness. He has taught me so much and I am so grateful for him. We love you Crew-boo! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Halloween was so fun this year! It felt like it was a week long because all of the Halloween parties we had.

First, was our ward Halloween party. Emery loved it! She especially loved her cute heart she got painted on her cheek.

 I know it's a horrible picture but it's all I've got of that cute heart on her cheek.

We had my favorite of all time Halloween party-Grandma Cook's family Halloween Party. I love this one. This was the 19th year she's done it! I remember Grandmas halloween party from as early as I can remember. I love that she still loves to do it for all the Grandkids and now great grandkids too. My grandma is pretty much the greatest person you will ever meet. Seriously. 
 Every witch needs her trusted frog by her side. 
 Cant get enough!
 Emery playing the doughnut on a string game. We let her use her hands :) 

Now for actual Halloween...
We went with Carol and Tyler and their cutest boys. Emery loved following those big boy cousins. And she of course loved trick or treating. She did great saying trick or treat and loved the candy, and with a huge smile on her face would look at me and Court and say, "My bucket heby (heavy)!" 

 One of the neighbors goes all out for Halloween and Emery would not turn her back on those monsters in the yard! So here is the best picture I could get of Em with her two cute cousins.
 Our little froggy fell fast asleep.
 Back of the van on our way to a haunted garage. 

 Playing after being hopped up on sugar. Nothing better to entertain kids than a mattress. 
And so wonderfully grateful that these two babes slept in the next morning and then we all watched Frozen together. (Em has jumped on the band wagon I guess, she is kind of obsessed with Frozen :) ) 

Pumpkin Patch and Zoo trips!

I am so behind on my blogging! Get ready for an annoying amount of posts!

One of my favorite things we did during the lovely October month was when we visited the pumpkin patch. It was just our little family, and it was so fun being together. Emery LOVED it. I can't wait until next year when Crew will be able to run around with his big sister.

 She was so excited to pick out her pumpkin, it took her forever to decide which one she wanted.
Decorating her pumpkin with stickers. She is loving stickers right now.

 Haha poor Crew-Crew. He was not happy about getting woken up from his deep slumber for this.
 These people are my best.

We have gone to the zoo A LOT this month, but that's what you do when you get a zoo pass (thanks for the early Christmas present Grandma!). We have had a lot of fun. 
Cousin Addi, Ans and Em
 I love this picture because 1: Crew is the cutest and 2: His little hat just kills me.
 On one trip we did the giraffe encounter and that was a blast! Definitely worth it!
 Emery probably liked this trip best because Grandpa came. She is kind of obsessed with him, it makes my heart melt.
Brushing the goat, or the "Goot" is how Em says them haha. 

We sure love this time of year and all the fun that comes with it!