Monday, August 27, 2012

Bear Lake!

So I should've posted about Bear Lake like 2 months ago, but I couldn't find the million, okay like 5 pictures we took. We are the worst with pictures, but I am trying to do better! Anyway, Like I have said before, Bear Lake is always a high light of our Summer. It's always filled with wonderful weather and it's so beautiful up there, and of course our wonderful Zulauf family who we never get to see enough of! Here's a couple pics from the this years trip :)
 Some of the clan on their way up to repel
 They had to make their own trail, which is good for entertainment haha
 The cliff they came down
 Just because this would happen and it makes me laugh :)
The clan, we're missing the Garffs but everyone else is there. Also, another picture i love to look at because again I am reminded of how lucky we all are to have so many people to love and who love us. (Can you all tell I've been in a sentimental mood :) )

So Bear Lake was a fun trip as usual! We love seeing everyone because we don't get to see every one enough being in AZ. We were so happy to meet the new babies like little Savannah and see Pressley again, and finally meet little Z too! We love this growing family! 


  1. Gotta love granny z! You should send that one to Tyler

  2. haha so fuuny. And so fun saying you guys!!! Wish we lived closer!

  3. Wow! So that's the legendary Granny Z. Great pictures, as usual.
