Saturday, August 11, 2012

A quick look into our Summer

It is time for an over due post if you ask me. Summer has been great, but I have to admit that I am ready for this AZ heat to LEAVE forever! I have always been able to handle it but being pregnant in the heat, not the most fun thing to deal with, I'm so happy this little babe will be born when it's cooler. On a different are some of the projects that me and Court have been working on :)

Much more girly now :)

 Court hard at work. He has been a trooper! (He is painting the crib right now as I update) :)

Aw the dresser, happy to say we found it for a steal on craigslist and happier to say it is finished now! We found cute pink and white knobs at Hobby Lobby (of course) that just made it perfect. Don't worry...completed project pictures will be posted within a day or two.

This night stand also almost completely completed now, cant wait!

Yes, her name is definitely Emery (obviously we can't change it now, which is fine by both of us) These will go above her crib and Court is going to frame her name. I think it will be cute.We already love our little Em! 

Now hopefully a pregnant lady in a swimsuit doesn't offend, mind you I had just stuffed myself with a ginorm hamburger and potato salad.

But it is time for a belly pic since the last one I took was almost 11 weeks ago. 
So here I am 27 weeks a long and already super impatient and wanting little Em to be here. My mom keeps telling me 'enjoy this time because it will never be the same' and oh I know it, so I am trying but with all these baby projects going on it is making it hard for me to be patient :)

Moving on, we had a Cook family bbq this last Monday to welcome home my little brother Tanner who had been doing a research project in Mexico for the last 3 months. I'm so happy to have him back for a little bit before he leaves back up to BYU. Here are some pictures of our fun filled evening!

 Me and Cruza. Love this little guy so much!

Playing cards before we eat, obviously Tyler must be losing because he doesn't look too happy.

Faith and Cruz, Court and Shaun


A diving contest followed after our game of pool basket ball. Tanner is the blur diving over Court. He cleared Court with flying colors and needless to say won the diving contest. Surprisingly Court never got hit by any of the other divers, so good job Court and divers. 

We have had a wonderful summer and are so glad we have been able to spend it with good friends and lots of family! Things are going great and we are looking especially forward to the next couple of months!