Monday, August 27, 2012

Cabin Time!

    Two weeks ago the Cook family decided it was high time for a cabin trip (requested by Tanman because he had to go back up to BYU and wanted to do something with everyone before he left), and a great request it was! Of course, we miss Trevor as usual who is working in China. Luckily though the Garffs got to join us on this trip which every one was excited about because they are lots of fun! 

   It wasn't a long trip, just Friday to Sunday but so much fun none the less! It was great being all together and playing games, and of course it wouldn't be a cabin trip with out a "1 mile" hike, 1 mile being 3 miles up and 3 miles down (haha, my dad is notorious for this so we knew well ahead it would be longer, which is fine because we love hiking and it was beautiful!) We didn't get pics of the cabin, but a lot of pics of the hike :) We hiked up to Mt. Baldy and the fresh air did us all some good!

 There were really neat rock formations just randomly placed all along the trail which made for good climbing :)

Court in his natural habitat haha I'm funny
 I look like I'm the reason that tree fell over, it's alright though :) 30 weeks along now so I see the light at the end of the tunnel

 Our group :) This picture just makes me so happy to look at because we were finally at the top haha, no actually because I'm just reminded of what wonderful family I have and how much I love every one in this picture. 
 Me and Courty, love this guy!
Haha, i had to put this last picture up of Cruzer. This kid is lovin' his sunglasses and he kept this smug little 'Don't mess' look on his face the whole way to church. We were all laughing our heads off and Court snapped a picture so he cracked that little smirk just in time. Hilarious! 

We had tons of fun at the cabin and are actually going back this weekend for Labor Day with all the Cooks as in aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins. It will be quite the crowd, but we are so excited b/c it has been awhile since everyone has made it up! I'll let you know how it goes! F.Y.I I know I promised pics of finished baby projects, but since a lot is done the nursery is so close to being all the way put together so I'm just going to wait until it's completely done to post. Just a little longer! 


  1. thanks for letting us come we had so much fun...Cruz was in heaven the whole time!

  2. Wow, two cabin trips so close together. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, eh? So can Emery. Tee hee.
