Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

What a fun weekend we had! Talking, playing games and night games and of course stuffing our faces with delicious food, what more could you want? Court and I got back from the cabin yesterday evening. We loved being able to spend time with our Cook family. All the Cooks use to go a lot more, but as the families grow it gets a lot harder for every one to get up there, so we really had a good time with every one! I always feel so lucky that I am so close with all my extended family! It was quite a bit more crowded with this group, but I loved every minute of it! Enjoy the pictures! 

 The young marrieds and young adults were in charge of breakfast Saturday morning, we had extra help as you can see. 
 Court and Zacky got a little creative with the pancake making. I was quite impressed.
That is Court's tortoise.
 The snake and the elephant :)
Some of the cousins catching up
 The little cousins love Court...or his iPad.

 Court and Chloe
Haha She is so happy now.
 Getting some of the girls all pretty for Sunday.
 My Beautiful cousin Hannah after hair and make-up.
 Enjoying the nice, cool weather.

 My very talented Aunt Katherine is helping me make curtains for the baby room.
 Getting every one ready for game night. Notice the teen cousins on their phones :)
 Me and Kwisten :)
 My Beautiful Grandma and lovely mom.
 Hahaha, Court after his quad ride. Only helmet left I guess???
 Me and Court with Carter and Saydee Lady.
Look who we got to take home :) Love these funny guys. They kept us very entertained. Entertainment included singing at the top of their lungs, windows rolled down, music up to 'We are Young' by Fun. They wanted to sing to all the other cars that we were stuck in traffic with for 45 minutes. Haha I'm sure the other drivers appreciated it.  

I have to say I love the cabin! I have so many good memories there growing up, and now thanks to this past weekend I have another good memory to add. 


  1. How fun! Wish I could have been there, but at least through you're blog I can be a little closer to experiencing it.

  2. Looks so fun! You look so cute Carly!! Cant wait tmeet baby em!

  3. I finally found your blog! Yay! I'm so ready for your baby shower!

  4. Now I can blog stock you/ see whats going on in your life!
