Monday, April 6, 2015

Valentines Day and Crew's 7 and 8 Months

I miss blogging! I can't believe how bad I've gotten about posting. I think about it all the time and always make plans to post, Anyway, I am here now! Here, and determined to stay on top of updating. So let's get to it.

Valentines Day

I find myself getting more and more excited for Holidays since becoming a mom. It's just so fun getting your kids so hyped up about it. This year I thought it would be fun to make some Valentine treats with Em and take them around to her little friends and some of the fam.
Getting ready to make our treats, Em is coloring her valentines.

We made this for Great grandma and great grandpa. We thought a valentine would cheer them up a little since Grandpa has been so sick.
 I took Em and Crew to Sweet Tooth Fairy to get a little treat for Vday. Em loved it and was excited to pick out her own cupcake. 

Crews 7 and 8 Months 
(My picture taking wasn't around much these two months unfortunately, I think they were hanging out with my blogging skills) 
Crew-crew at 7 Months:

-Is stinkin' cute!
-He is learning so much and becoming much more mobile, he rolls to everything he wants
-He loves jumping in his bouncer
-Adores his binkis 
-Gives big slobbery kisses and wraps his arms tight around your neck when you pick him up (my favorite)
-Grabs everything he can get his hands on, especially Em and mommy's hair
I love snuggling him in the mornings. 
 -He loves this (as does his big sister) he is kind of a thrill seeker. He loves to be flipped and thrown around
 -Where ever Em is you will find Crew desperately trying to get to her. I love when they have fun together. 

8 months:
-Crew is learning new "tricks", he claps his hands, gives high fives, loves to dance and breaks out in his little dancing moves anytime he hears music.
-He loves that little red car in the picture below and rolls it back and forth forever. Its really cute.
-He has always loved going on walks but even more so bc now we stop at the park and he loves playing in the grass. 
-He is an awesome eater. He loves people food and because he has EIGHT teeth he is already really good at chewing and getting pretty good at finger foods, and can hold the baby food pouches himself which is nice for mom. 
-He still doesn't sleep through the night and is waking up 2-3 times a night, I keep praying that changes
-He can get everywhere by scooting and is getting very frustrated he can't crawl. He's so close!!! 
Oh, I love this babe!
 He loved this puppy, though you can't tell by the picture. He really like to touch stuff and feel different textures. The touch and feel books are the only ones he'll actually sit still and let me read to him
 -One of his favorite things to do, feet rides. He loves them.
 Crew loves his sports center grandma and grandpa gave him for Christmas. I love watching him put his little plastic basketball through that hoop over and over again. It's pretty cute. One thing he also loves (and I have to document it bc it's my favorite to play with him) is playing roll-y pole-y ole-y. I don't remember if I ever mentioned this in Emery's monthly posts bc I played it with her when she was a baby and it has been passed on to Crew. I basically throw him (gently) on the couch and he scoots all over it and sits up and will fall backwards or scoot off into my arms and I throw him or roll him back on and it is seriously fun. He laughs the whole time. I'll have to post a video sometime bc it's pretty fun to watch. Although, when we play Em joins in and let me tell you that 2 roll-y pole-y ole-ys is harder to keep from falling off the couch than one :) 
I feel like Crew is such a boy (yes I know he's a little baby) but really...He loves all kinds of balls and loves little cars to roll back and forth and he is so adventurous compared to how Em was as a baby.
He has been more involved with wrestling and playing with Daddy and Em and just eats all the rough housing up. He is my little stud. I sure do love my Crew-Crew (I dare anyone to find someone who only calls him Crew, haha it's always Crew-Crew). What a special boy he is! I love being his mommy. 

1 comment:

  1. Crew is stinkin cute!!! I love his smile. we need to have a playdate soon!
