Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's (was) the Holiday Season

We had such a fun Thanksgiving this year. We headed over to Norco to go spend Thanksgiving with Grammy (who Emery insists on face timing almost every night before bed :) )
Joining our Zulauf clan were the Trapnells and Riches. We had so much fun together, and as always one of my favorite parts is watching all the cousins play.

 Thanksgiving Dinner. Thanks again Mace for helping me make the rolls! and taking care of Crew every chance she got :) 
Emery loved playing with all her cousins, but her and Buggy were sure good, little buddies. We were watching some Curious George on the iPad and I had to stop and take a picture of these two thumb sucking friends. 

We had a fun beach day and these pictures are probably my most favorite thing. Look at all those cute kiddos! 

It was hard to leave and go back to real life after a fun time like this. We sure miss every one and are hoping the next get together isn't too far off! 

Christmas time is the BEST time! 

Christmas is by far my favorite time of year. It just keeps getting better with kids. Here is some of what we did during December and of course, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

 We decorated the tree for family night that very first Monday in December, which included some pizza.
 The next Monday we opened up Christmas Jammies and wore them to temple lights. 
 Christmas Sunday is the best (Easter Sunday is right there with it). I love going and being reminded of what we are truly celebrating. 

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is what I look forward to most! I love it, and it did not disappoint this year.

Look who won First place this year in our h'ourderve contest. I even beat some real chefs (bragging rights people!) I made cheesy, jalepeno pull apart bread. 
My prize

 Opening up sibling, cousin and grandma and grandpas gifts. 

 It's not Christmas Eve without a beautiful Christmas piano piece from my dad. He is so good on the piano, every time he plays it makes me think of my childhood (I know that sounds so cheesy, but it does. I almost always fell asleep to the sound of the piano being played) 
 Santa was very generous. Please especially notice Emery's tricycle. Court redid that whole thing (we got it for free from a neighbor, it was pretty banged up but Court made it perfect! It seriously looks brand new, I wish I wouldve taken before and after pictures) 

 I really think her favorite this was the big lip smackers chap stick in her stocking haha.

 Her face says it all, life is good! 
 I decided to break out my crafty side this year and made this for Court to hang up in his office. I don't think it could be in a better place. 

We had such a fun Christmas this year. I couldn't help but get even more excited for next year with the ages our two babes will be! It just keeps getting more and more fun. 

My grandparents took every one to the Butterfly Wonderland for our Christmas present. It was so fun and always fun being with all the extended family. 

 Emery loves when we wear these shoes. 
 Waiting for butterflies to land on her.She walked around the whole place like that, it was so cute. A big butterfly landed on her head.

 I love us. 

More posts to come! Hopefully I will be all caught up by the end of this week! 

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