Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hoppy Easter!

Easter was so much fun this year. It always is. I love Easter time! We all had a lot of fun coloring eggs, Easter baskets and I love our Cook family Easter picnic.

Here's a little look into our April/Easter time...

On Friday we had some friends over to swim and then we made "Easter cups." It was a lot of fun and wore the babes out. Bonus! 

We colored our Easter eggs when daddy got home. It was the first year we've done this since having kids, Em loved it. It was fun and messy. Crew was so mad he didn't get to hold any of the eggs. He wanted in on the action. 

Me and Em made some more Easter cups for the little kids at the family picnic.

Cheesy Crew-crew

So excited for the egg hunt.
She got a lot of help from cousin Savvy.

Crew stole found some Easter eggs too! 
She couldn't wait to show everyone the pink egg she found
This makes me happy.
Court taped a money egg on the back of his RC car and the kids loved that. The chase didn't last as long as we had hoped. I only caught a picture of the very end.
Em and Ans love to play with the big girl cousins.

Easter morning...

Sorry, but this was hilarious
Em kept saying they were robots.
What a fun morning we had!

So grateful for this wonderful Easter holiday and more grateful for the atonement of our savior!
Hope every one had a happy Easter! 

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