Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Crew's Special Day

Sunday was a very special day for our Crew man. It was his blessing day. We would have his blessing done at our church building and then we would have a lunch after at our house with family.

Kristen was awesome and came over Saturday night to help me hang up the little banners I made and clean. It was fun spending time with her. Emery was really excited and running around saying 'For Cwoo'. I looked at pictures with Emery of her blessing day and told her all about it and how Crew's special day was tomorrow and what would happen. Who knows if she understood any of what I said but she did like the pictures :)

Crew woke up at 6:30AM on Sunday and was so cute. I loved spending some quiet alone time with him and told him all about his special day and gave him a bath, and he was just being such a good babe and so sweet. I sure love this babe. It was actually a good and peaceful morning and we were all able to get ready with no chaos.

We tried to get a family picture before we left for church but the babies were not having it. That was a crazy moment and we gave up and decided once we got home we'd try. Sadly, that never happened :( At least we got some of the babies.

Court gave Crew a beautiful blessing and the spirit was felt very strong. I have to say my favorite moment of the day though was right before the blessing. Crew was getting a tad fussy because he was tired. I was holding him and gave him his bink, which always soothes him and that's when Court leaned over and said, "Give him to me so I can get him comfortable and ready to take up there." I handed him over and Crew looked at Court the whole time he was holding him and just stared and gave his daddy the biggest smiles and little laughs and coos. It was so sweet. I think these babies know more of what's going on than we think. You could pretty much see Court melt when that was happening. He is seriously the best dad.

We had so much fun that day and loved being with all the family!

 Now for the star of the day...

 C'mon, is he not the cutest!

 She got a lot of M&M's for this, don't judge.

 Grandpa Cook and Crew

1 comment:

  1. Carly everything is Sooo cute!!!! You did a fabulous job once again! I miss those cute kids! Can't believe how big Em is and Crew well, he's just perfect! Love you
