Monday, September 8, 2014


We went to California a few weeks before Labor Day to visit Grammy! It was another plus that Shelby and Josh and their beautiful girls came for a visit too. We had such a fun time with everyone and it was nice to take a little vacation.

 This girl always wants to be outside! She loved all the hammocks on the patio.

 It is 6AM in this picture. Welcome to a vacation with kids. We love our cuddly babes though.
 We went to dinner for our 5th anniversary and had fun spending time together. Can't believe its been 5 years. (Don't worry, Court's head is not that big in real life)
 My boys
 We even made it to the beach while we there and had so much fun. The waves were HUGE! Emery loves the beach and was not happy when it was time to leave.

We missed California as soon as we got back home. Hopefully it won't be too long before we get to go visit again! 

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