Monday, February 3, 2014

18 Weeks

Here I am in all my 18 week pregnant glory, getting a bigger tummy so much faster with this one than with Em (at least I think so). Of course Emmy had to toddle on over to be in the picture, haha I love that girl.
 Things have continued to go well with this pregnancy. I am enjoying the second trimester. I love not being sick and having more energy. I have been exercising pretty consistently throughout this pregnancy and I think that has made a huge difference. I have the appetite of a growing 14 year old boy, and the complexion of one too (But these little babes are worth it). I still have some pretty strong food aversions as well and heaven forbid I go too long without eating or I do get sick again. I am growing all nice and wide like I did with Emery. So if you look at me from a frontal view I just look like I have a nice gut with some love handles to spare. Why I couldn't be the cute kind of pregnant where you are all tummy beats me, but oh well.

We find out what we are having this Thursday, February 6th. I am so excited! This time is one of the high lights during pregnancy. Of course, with this special date approaching me and Court go back and forth on if we think it's a girl or boy. We have NO idea. I don't even have a little inkling. With Em from the moment I found out I was pregnant I felt like it was going to be a girl. This baby...I don't know, so of course I have looked at every old wives tale in the book to help me choose a side and I thought it would be fun to list a few of them.

*Morning sickness-Girl
*Cravings-Sweet(I always want cupcakes,weird) Girl
*Chinese Calendar- Girl
*High heartbeat-Girl
*Carrying baby high-Girl
*The ring test-I got boy one time and girl another time

So yeah, pretty much every old wives tale I've looked up points to girl, and yes I have looked up more than those ones. But it may be for this reason that I am going to guess boy. I just really don't know. I would love to have a boy, but I would absolutely love another girl too. We'll know Thursday! Guesses anyone? 

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna guess....girl! But, of course, a baby boy would be absolutely darling, too! Can't wait to find out!
