Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Riverview Park and Emmy

There is a new park in Mesa that was being built for the last few years. It's huge and so much fun! I wish it were a little closer but that won't stop us from going often. It has tons of play grounds with such fun jungle gyms and other cool things for kids to play on, an awesome splash pad, good walking paths and a lake with ducks to feed. My mom, sisters and two of my brothers thought it would be fun to go check it out on Presidents Day and have a little picnic. It was extremely crowded but still a lot of fun. I wish I would've taken better pictures of everything.

 And Em is off, she just wanted to explore and play.

 LOVED the splash pad, and so did I bc it has been HOT these last couple days. 

 Seriously I couldn't get Em to eat hardly anything. All she wanted to do was play and explore. I think she ate an Oreo and a piece of turkey. Stinker. 
 She was so tired after, just relaxing with Kristen before we went home.
 And totally passed out 3 minutes into the car ride home. 
(Look at those long legs! She did not get those from me that's for sure, they have daddy written all over them) 
We had such a fun time and can't wait to go back. The only thing that will make it better next time is having dad come with us, and hopefully not quite as crowded. 

I thought I'd do a quick little update on our almost 16month old girl too. 
She is our cute and funny babe. She got these buckets from Grandma and she loves to wear this big one on her head. She LOVES hats, and this just happens to be her favorite 'hat' around. I'm not joking, she will wear this thing for a good 30 minutes at a time. It cracks me and Court up!

 Especially when she pushes down the handle and gets a little smoosh nose. 
It's amazing to me how much she learns in a months time. She can say so many words now! I especially love how she says poo poo, kristen (twiten)  bubble (bubba) and i love you (Ilu-ooo). When I am on the phone I'll catch her copying a couple words I say. She is a little talker, with me and Court at least. 
She loves dancing. Too any kind of music. Still loves watching Baby Einstein and loves to play outside! She loves trying on any pair of shoes lying around. She is down to just one nap a day, most days. She gives the best kisses with a nice 'Mu-Ah' to go with them. Em, me and daddy can't get enough of you! 

Valentines Day

We had a good Valentines Day this year. We don't really get into it too much, but there is always some fun to be had. Emmy got some little Valentine treats from mom and dad.

 I couldn't believe how long she played with these 99 cent ABC magnets. Loved them.
 Her pink ball. This is her all time favorite toy now.

 And a little package of rubber balls. We have added to that pathetic little tube on the door ;) 
 We fed ducks and played at the park, then got a smoothie from Jamba Juice and brought one to daddy. He loves when his girls come visit him, mostly that cute one on his lap. 

Court came home a little early and we went to the new Gilbert Temple that night, a great way to remind us about love if I do say so myself. We waited in line for almost 2 hours. I don't know how Em managed to last that long, but she did. She loved walking all over and exploring. 

I am so glad we made it to the Gilbert Temple before the dedication. It is BEAUTIFUL. I do love the Mesa Temple for sentimental reasons, but this one just took my breath away. The inside is gorgeous and the grounds are lovely. I told Kristen she better get married at this one.  I am so grateful to have another Temple so close to us, how blessed we are!

Em fell asleep on my shoulder on the way back to the parking lot. We ended the night with take out from Joe's Farm Grill (our favorite!) and a movie. I love spending time with my favorites! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's a...

 We cannot WAIT for this little guy to get here! I love getting this ultra sound. I love that I can feel him move a lot more now. I love wondering what he will look like and what kind of personality he has. Court and I talked about this all morning. We are so excited! My boy. That is my precious, little boy. I can't wait to squeeze him! 

19 Weeks
Growing every week and like I said above, feeling a lot of movement now. He is an active guy in there. What is something I am most excited about having another sweet baby around? Nursing. I miss it. We can't wait to add baby boy to our precious family! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

18 Weeks

Here I am in all my 18 week pregnant glory, getting a bigger tummy so much faster with this one than with Em (at least I think so). Of course Emmy had to toddle on over to be in the picture, haha I love that girl.
 Things have continued to go well with this pregnancy. I am enjoying the second trimester. I love not being sick and having more energy. I have been exercising pretty consistently throughout this pregnancy and I think that has made a huge difference. I have the appetite of a growing 14 year old boy, and the complexion of one too (But these little babes are worth it). I still have some pretty strong food aversions as well and heaven forbid I go too long without eating or I do get sick again. I am growing all nice and wide like I did with Emery. So if you look at me from a frontal view I just look like I have a nice gut with some love handles to spare. Why I couldn't be the cute kind of pregnant where you are all tummy beats me, but oh well.

We find out what we are having this Thursday, February 6th. I am so excited! This time is one of the high lights during pregnancy. Of course, with this special date approaching me and Court go back and forth on if we think it's a girl or boy. We have NO idea. I don't even have a little inkling. With Em from the moment I found out I was pregnant I felt like it was going to be a girl. This baby...I don't know, so of course I have looked at every old wives tale in the book to help me choose a side and I thought it would be fun to list a few of them.

*Morning sickness-Girl
*Cravings-Sweet(I always want cupcakes,weird) Girl
*Chinese Calendar- Girl
*High heartbeat-Girl
*Carrying baby high-Girl
*The ring test-I got boy one time and girl another time

So yeah, pretty much every old wives tale I've looked up points to girl, and yes I have looked up more than those ones. But it may be for this reason that I am going to guess boy. I just really don't know. I would love to have a boy, but I would absolutely love another girl too. We'll know Thursday! Guesses anyone?