Monday, September 30, 2013

11 Months

Em turned 11 Months on September 26th.

I have one month left people! ONE month until she is ONE! Maybe it wouldn't be hitting me so hard if I hadn't seem some quote about how you should enjoy every moment with your kids because they are a newborn for a month and (here's where it hit me. Hard) an infant for 1 year. One year. Already I see so much change in my Em and I know this next year is going to blow me away. I have said this a lot, but i sincerely wish they could be babies for just a little longer. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing her grow up. It really is the best. Sometimes I just get a little sad knowing I cant go back. I can't go back and relive my precious, and all too fleeting baby and momma moments. How I truly cherish my special time with her.  And, of course, I do get new moments and that makes me so happy.  Before I get any more sappy, here is my lovey at 11 Months.

 She looks older huh?
 I told you last month post that these pictures don't work anymore, too much of a mover :)

 I wanted to freeze time today. She is my little buddy.
 This is her favorite game. 
 She starts climbing...
 And will peek around that first corner until I run saying,"Gunna get you!" and then she scrambles up as fast as she can. We do this about 20 times a day.
 Just my cutest.
 Some of Em's favorites: Taking everything out of mom's make-up bag and playing with my old bracelets.
 -Eating gold fish straight from the snack jar
- Hanging out with Daddy

 -Lovin' on babies, especially Ans. And Em is loving giving kisses to any one now.
 Cruising the furniture

 -Food. She was licking the syrup off her plate haha
I look at her at least once a day and wonder how I got so lucky. She's mine! 
Happy 11 Months to my sweetest. 

1 comment:

  1. I Think the reason people have multiple kids is bc they want "the baby phase" and you can only get that with a new baby in the family. Just saying you might have to pop out another one to get your baby fix. Em is adorable!
