Friday, September 13, 2013

10 Months

Em's 10 Month post is coming to you when she is 10 1/2 Months, no surprise there. I will do better at my blogging, promise.

Here is my girl at 10 Months...How is this for cheesy???

I could eat her! I love that toothy smile.

 Yeah...the 'lie-down to see how much I've grown' pictures...not sure that will be happening anymore. This was the best I could get. I swear this girl doesn't rest.
 Having a mini tantrum. Yep, she has those now. 
 Loves her dolly
 And playing with necklaces
 The Bear crawl is always incorporated to her regular crawl now

Can't get enough of the stairs
Those big eyes, they make my heart melt. 

Emery babe has really been keeping me and Daddy on our toes lately. I am in awe how much she picks up on. She really has started to notice babies, where before she could've cared less. When we were in California she would always crawl over to Oakley and want to touch her and look at her and annoy her  haha, poor Oaks. She will even give kisses to baby Ansley now, and kisses are hard to get from Em. 

 So needless to say, she really does love her dollies lately. The best is when she pats their back.

 She loves necklaces and bracelets. I always give her old ones to play with and she puts them on and crawls around the house that way. If a necklace is not available she uses mom's green exercise band :) 

Loves books still. A new book can hold her attention span for a good amount of time. She is so silly, always moving and finding new things and wants the most what she is not suppose to have. She loves mom's phone now too and will hold it up to her ear and have a little conversation.

 Still our swimmer girl
I am dying over the fact that she is going to be 1 next month! Time has flown! I know she is still a baby, but her little chubby baby body is getting stretched out to toddler baby and she is looking so much older to me. She will always be my baby though :)
We love our Em, she is definitely Mommy and Daddy's sunshine! 

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