Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lindsay's baby shower

Last Saturday we had Lindsay's baby shower. It was fun to set-up with Kristen and my mom. The shower made us all desperately want little Ansley here! I guess we got our wish because look who came today around 1:00PM...

 Beautiful, heathy mama and beautiful, healthy baby :)
Isn't she a beauty? So round and squishy! Today was a good day! And I am so excited for Ans and Em to be little friends :) When Em saw her she smiled so big and kept trying to grab Ansley when she was next to her, it was the cutest. They are 8 months and one day apart :)
I know I started talking about the baby shower so I'll get back to it. It turned out really cute! Lindsay said she loved it and that made us happy. And Mama Lindsay got some cute stuff for her little babe! 

 I have the best sisters (beautiful too, yes?)  :) They are my very best friends!
 She makes me the happiest! 

Aren't they a cute mom and dad? So happy for them! 

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