Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lindsay's baby shower

Last Saturday we had Lindsay's baby shower. It was fun to set-up with Kristen and my mom. The shower made us all desperately want little Ansley here! I guess we got our wish because look who came today around 1:00PM...

 Beautiful, heathy mama and beautiful, healthy baby :)
Isn't she a beauty? So round and squishy! Today was a good day! And I am so excited for Ans and Em to be little friends :) When Em saw her she smiled so big and kept trying to grab Ansley when she was next to her, it was the cutest. They are 8 months and one day apart :)
I know I started talking about the baby shower so I'll get back to it. It turned out really cute! Lindsay said she loved it and that made us happy. And Mama Lindsay got some cute stuff for her little babe! 

 I have the best sisters (beautiful too, yes?)  :) They are my very best friends!
 She makes me the happiest! 

Aren't they a cute mom and dad? So happy for them! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My 3 Kids

Last week we had two very cute guys stay with us....
 Lincoln and Donovan, Carol and Tyler's two cute boys.

 We had lots if fun! They were great at helping me pick my tomatoes :)
 They were great little wrestlers

 And wonderful Emery lovers.

And they were great at getting us on adventures everyday. We had a blast watching them. 3 kids could be exhausting some days, but truthfully it was more fun than anything. I got quite the system down while they were here, and it might've just helped speed up my wanting another babe sooner than later meter. We are so glad that Carol and Tyler and their sweet boys live down here now so we get to see them so often! After they left,  me and Em slept for a long time haha. I think Em misses her adopted brothers. 

Father's Day

It has been awhile since I've posted and I definitely have a lot to catch up on! So, I am going to just go in order of when things occurred. Get ready for an over load!

Before I start about our Father's Day though...Happy 8 months today to this little beauty!

She is enjoying a Graham cracker.
I love seeing my Emmy get big, but still wishing time would slow down a bit. Her 8 month post will be up by the end of the week :)

 We had a good Father's Day over here at the Zulauf house. It included a card, breakfast in bed (a bowl of fruity pebbles-so domestic of me right???) cuddles from Em and some presents. Courty got spoiled. 

After church we headed over to my mom and dad's for some more Father's Day fun. We had a delicious meal, more cards and presents and games.

 Seriously? Is there anything better than this? Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy. Cheesy as it may sound, seeing how much Court loved being and playing with kids made me fall in love with him real quick! It's even better watching him now with Em, not much makes me happier.
 My dad. I love him so much. I couldn't have asked for a better Daddy. He has always been there for me and he is the best Grandpa.
 Emery is basically the center of attention at any Cook gathering now...good thing Lindsay's babe will be here soon! 

Hope everyone had a happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Utah Trip

About 2 weeks ago Emery and I headed up to Utah. Court had sold his dirt bike to his Brother in law and bought a road bike and dirt bike from another Brother in law. Quite the trade. This was why we got to escape to Utah for a bit. My mom is always looking for a reason to go up and see her Mom and sister   so when Court asked her if she would go deliver, and pick up the bikes, she jumped at the chance :) My sister Lindsay got to come too, which was an added bonus. Just like old, high school times. we went, my mom, me and my baby and my very pregnant sister hauling motorcycles behind us.

 On the way up. We were at a gas station and that is why she is out of her car seat.
 We went up to St. George and stayed a night with my sweet Grandma Spencer. She joined us the next morning for the rest of our road trip. 
 Emmy playing with Grandma

 Emmy and Aunt Lindsay. I think my sister has got to be the cutest pregnant lady I have ever seen. 
 Grandma and Mom
 Costa Vida pit stop
Sleepin babe on the way up to Mapleton.
 Look at the cute girl who ran to meet us as soon as we got out of the car. Love Mace.
 Mace and Pres showing Em what real grass is suppose to be like.
 Cohen and Emmy

 I loved seeing Emery play with her cousins! I have missed all these kiddos so much and can't believe how big they are. I am so glad we got to stop and visit before we continued our trip up to Roosevelt to see my Aunt Kelly and some cousins.
 In Roosevelt. Emery and Bentlee Lou. They are just over a month in a half apart. We tried to get Benny to share some of that hair with Em! 
 Sunday is a feasting day. I was getting a kick out of how much Em loved the rib bones. Every now and then she would hold it out to me to share some. haha sweet girl.
 Getting all cleaned up. This is probably one of my very favorite pictures of Em. She is so funny, I feel like it just captures her little personality so well
 Sun bathing beauties
 They loved playing in the pool. When My Aunt Kelly came out to watch them she said, 'They both need bras.' Haha chubby girls
 This is Em's new favorite face to make. She does it 24/7.

 My Aunts, Grandma, Mom and Emmy before we left to go home.
 Court is a lucky duck
 We weren't as lucky on the way home.

 This is how we felt....
 We looked in at Emmy though and this is how she felt haha. Okay, life isn't so bad. 

Only 30 minutes from home when I took this picture! Can't wait to see Daddy!

We had a good trip. Definitely a little different than how it usually goes. We had to come home early because my Dad broke his back cliff jumping. Stomach flu also got passed around while in Utah so it seemed some one was always sick, and then of course...the flat tire on the way home. We are grateful Me and Em didn't get sick though and that miraculously my dad doesn't have to have back surgery, just in a brace for 3 months. And the blow out could've gone a lot worse than it did. So they were very fortunate misfortunes :) Plus it was just so fun to see so many people we love! We miss Utah already!