Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why not another post?

As I said in my last post as soon as we got back from our vacation we came back to lots of work. The cleaning business really only keeps me really busy the last week of the month but, that guy is a champ. He has been busy bc we had to get some new cleaners so he has had to train all of them, and Vision Makers is in on fire right now with all their business so we haven't gotten to see him as much as usual lately. Luckily things are finally starting to calm down a bit so he will be around more :) thank goodness.  Needless to say we have been visiting dad a lot for lunch lately because we miss him.

Emery decided to change her schedule on me this last month as well, but that is nice and established now. It took me awhile to get used to one nap a day but it's nice she sleeps in now. We have had some fun adventures here at home. Here's a little bit of what we do...

 Be weird, haha 
 Baking, we haven't really been doing this as much lately
Reading stories to 'beebee' (baby) 
 We went to the zoo with one of my best friends Leah and that was very fun! 
Building forts
 And playing outside with the water hose and buckets. Basically I am trying to think of more and more things for this girl to do because she is ready to go the entire day! 
We went to a splash pad with some friends today too, water will be involved  a lot now because AZ weather has decided to start getting in Summer shape I guess. It's suppose to be 98 degrees tomorrow! Feel bad for my big, pregnant self. 

Speaking of pregnant selfs...
 Here is a 25 week belly shot. I wore black to disguise how big I really am haha, but seriously. Besides me being huge (27 1/2 weeks now) this pregnancy has continued to go great. I swear its because of my consistent exercising and I have eaten quite a bit better compared to how I ate with Em , still hasn't stopped me from getting huge but at least I feel good! 
We have decided we should probably start getting ready for this little peanut to join our family so we have been working on Em's big girl room and his nursery. It's all slowly but surely coming a long. 

I had this old lamp stand and found this cute shade at Target on sale (8 bucks baby) and decided it would be perfect for Em's big girl room. 

 I had to add the polka dots to mix it up a little and I thought it would help keep her room more toddler-y :) Luckily Emery's room has been easy to change around. We just had to move in the bed, buy bedding and I changed a couple of things with stuff I had lying around. But it is mostly the same. I'll post pictures of it when it's completely done. I still have to paint a few things since It's a lot lighter pink now. 
 A little wreath I made for her room. I know doesn't look time consuming, but wrapping that yarn was the death of me!!!!
Her big girl room is looking cute but I'm not going to lie that I almost shed a tear packing up a lot of her little baby girl things. 

 And we are getting ready for Easter around here. Love this Holiday! And getting ready for Emery to go to nursery the end of this month. Crazy! 

1 comment:

  1. The details of her room are darling! And you're one beautiful pregnant lady :-)
