Sunday, April 27, 2014


Easter was so much fun! I've loved the Cook family Easter picnic since it was me hunting those Easter eggs. It was so fun watching Em this year. That girl was in heaven playing outside with cousins and had so much fun looking for eggs. Plus, the weather couldn't have been better!

 Em loved her Easter present from Grandma. Thanks Grandma for the cute bunny and book! 
 Can you tell I'm in my 3rd trimester? Puffy face. 

 You best believe we were on the winning team of ultimate frisbee. 

 She was so proud of the eggs she found and ran to show Grandpa and Grandma right away. She was even happier when she found out they were filled with candy. 

Pretty in her Easter dress for church. We just love this sweet and silly girl. 

We hope everyone had a great Easter! We are so grateful we are able to spend this holiday with people we love and to celebrate the atonement and resurrection of our savior! 

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