Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Announcement time

We have an announcement to start off our 2014 year. A very happy one. One that everyone already knows, but that I need to document none the less. Baby Zulauf number 2 is on the way!

10 week ultra sound

We are so excited for this little peanut to be here! Yes, this pregnancy was on purpose. We always said we wanted our first two close together :)
 I am feeling much more excited now that I haven't felt sick. I still get a little nauseous at night and when I wait too long to eat, but the last 3 days have been wonderful. I am not as tired and sick, the head aches have gone away and I have started running again and it is so nice! Getting done with the first trimester is always nice and always calms me down as well. 
So far everything looks good with baby. I can't wait for him or her to join our little family. I love how much I love Emery and I can't wait to love another little person that much. It is the best (and most nerve racking, scary-only sometimes) feeling in the world. 
I know it will be different. I know with having an almost two year old it won't be quite like it was with Em, but this babe will be just as awed over and loved as little Em was. 
Sometimes I get nervous though. I wonder how I'll be able to give these two babes the attention they need. I know days will come where I want to sit down on the floor and cry while the littles run my house. I worry about Court and how much he is working and will we all have time together. We will. 
I worry this little baby will give me a run for my money after having a first baby who was so content, slept wonderfully and rarely fussed. 
But, somehow I'll do it. Court and I will love it even when it's hard. And like I said before...I love knowing I'll get to love another as much as I love Em. A mother's love really is even stronger than I imagined. I also have so many inspiring examples of mothers. My own mom-who raised 6 children that were all born in 6  years time and was amazing. My mother in law-8 kids for her and just knows so much. My sister Lindsay who is such a sweet mama. My sister in laws who are all amazing moms and who all have more than one child, and I watch how they take care of them and just feel like I learn so much. Of course good friends. My wonderful grandma. These examples help me to feel better when doubting feelings come. I got this. And I do love being mom. It really is the best thing I have ever experienced in my life...and that helps too. Plus, I can't wait to see Em be a big sister! 

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