Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A very short recap of 2013

2013 was a good year. It had ups and downs as every year does, but I'd say it was filled with mostly "ups" for us. Mostly because we have our little sunshine Emery who has been so fun to watch grow up.

So here's a little recap on our fam.

We have been figuring out how to be parents (and in a year of parenting I think we have it down pat....hahaha. Oh I am funny)  We are doing our best and learning a lot. I feel like it has really strengthened mine and Courts relationship.

Court and I decided to start a little side business as well. We bought a franchise and now own a little cleaning company. We started the end of October and already have 5 buildings. It has been...good, hard, frustrating, rewarding and another experience that makes me want to pull my hair out but has again taught a lot and strengthened our relationship. We finally are able to crew out our buildings so Court won't have to clean as much. That will be wonderful because I have missed having him around. He goes to work, then goes to clean and now is training crews to clean. So me and Em haven't been able to see him as much. I am the 'Account Manager.' I basically have to go meet all the new buildings, am in charge of monthly evaluations, paper work and am the one customers call if they have issues. I clean sometimes too. It takes up more time than I thought it would and I am not going to lie it has been a little hard for me to get used to working with a baby to take care of.  I wouldn't mind so much if I could always take her with me to buildings and stuff, but I don't like needing baby sitters. Still, I know this was a good decision for our family, so maybe I can be more like my husband and not complain :)

We have had great family vacations and times together. Rocky Point in May, 4th of July, Em's Birthday, Tyler's homecoming in November and of course, Christmas just to name a few.

Busy as ever. Works so hard all the time. There are some days he is gone from 7:30AM to 10PM at night now with the cleaning.  Sundays aren't much better with his calling as executive secretary...7AM-4PM with that one. Yet, he doesn't complain. He has stayed positive and still finds time to relax and spend time with me and Em. He is the best dad. Emery adores him and doesn't let him put her down when he comes home. He is doing wonderful at his job with Vision Makers and has really become an asset to the company. He has become a great seller. I am so proud of him. He takes good care of our family and I feel very lucky. I hope he gets to go on a dirt biking trip to Baja in March. That guy deserves it.

I was busy learning how to be a mom this year. Again, it is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love my Em so very much. I love playing with her and am soaking up all the uninterrupted one on one time we have.  I spent a lot of time exercising and trying to run more to get back in get pregnant again haha. Our cleaning company (Building Works) has kept me very busy.  I feel like we finally have the hang of it though. I have enjoyed lots of family time, craft time and friend time this year. Can't complain. 

I  am excited to do a little update on Em since I don't do monthly posts any more. She has been so fun to watch. I love her quirky personality. She makes us laugh all the time. I can't believe how much she has learned in the last month. Here are some things she is doing right now. 
-Climbing onto every piece of furniture around.
-She has a little car/bike thing that she loves to ride all over the house. We call it her cupcake car because it has little plastic cupcakes(it's like a baking car???) that she loves to play with. It has a little compartment that she loves to stash things in as well. I have found a remote in it, popcorn pieces she picked up from dad and my phone. Little mischief. 
-She loves to be chased after
-She has become quite the talker. Her vocabulary now consists of 'hot' 'hi' 'uh-oh' 'ball' 'hat' 'mom' 'nigh-nigh' 'nak' (snack) 'duck' 'no' (I don't think she really knows what this means yet..or at least pretends not to ha.)
-Still likes to read and likes to play outside and dance. She loves to wave her arms like she is leading when the congregation is singing at church.
-knows where her head, belly, eyes, nose and mouth are. 
-Still NOT walking. Little stink. She actually took 3 steps by herself today which was so fun to see! But it's like she is thinking why fall when I walk...if I can crawl. We'll see. She has until 18 months so all in her own time. 
I could go on and on because everything she does is so exciting to me haha. We love our little peanut. 
Here's a video for your enjoyment. Can't get enough!

We are so grateful for our good year and can't wait to start another all together! Here's to 2014. Can't believe we'll become a family of four :) 

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