Monday, December 16, 2013

December time!

Oh how I love December. Christmas time is seriously my favorite time of the year. I love everything about it. It has been fun having Em be older this year and notice a little more of what's going on. She loved when we got out all the Christmas decorations and points to everything and loves to look at the pretty tree. It has been so fun.

 And she loved everything happening in these pictures haha

Something else awesome happened this last weekend in December too. One of my very best friends, Leah graduated from Law School. I am so happy for her and it was so fun to watch her walk and be there for her on such a big day. Love you Leah! 
 Isn't she beautiful?

Plus, I got to see all these lovely ladies. I miss these girls so much so it was a blast being able to spend some time with them. 

I have loved this December so far and I'm sure more posts about this month will be popping up on the blog, so much fun stuff going on! 

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