Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

We had a very fun Halloween! There was much more action this year compared to last year, of course Em was only 5 days old last year. We went trick or treating with Faith and Shaun and Carol and Tyler and all our kids. It was so fun seeing how excited the kids were and seeing how cute they all looked in their costumes. Emery was a little perplexed by it all, but ended up enjoying it. We took her up to quite a few houses and one of the times we stayed behind in the car waiting for the group she threw a little tantrum when she saw every one go up to the door and she didn't get to go that time. She obviously figured out good things happened up there. She had her first pieces of candy (two suckers)and LOVED them. She tried to open every one she found after eating one. 

After trick-or-treating we went back to Shaun and Faiths to eat cookies and had fun visiting. The kids were in heaven running around playing and eating their candy. It has been fun seeing Emmy get bigger and follow her big boy cousins around. 

Here are some pictures from our Halloween night...

 Our cute, little strawberry

 Going through the goods

 We love our cousins
 ...and suckers
She was exhausted by the end of the night and slept in the next morning which was a treat for Mom, I'm liking Halloween better already :)

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