Sunday, October 27, 2013

12 Months!!!

It's official...We have a 1 year old (pics of the birthday coming tonight also) and she couldn't be more fun! Here is our big girl...

A few things about em right now:
-She never stops moving. She is cruising (walking along furniture) all the time now. My prediction is that she will be walking by next month, but we'll see.
-She is the best eater. Seriously, this girl can pound food, but I would be too if I never rested haha. She gets most excited to eat "nanas', cheese sticks and apples 
-She is imitating more and more words we say and picks up on little things were doing. She says "hot" all the time. Will say "nana" (bananas) sometimes and has tried saying night night ("nigh-nigh") just to name a few. She will do this growl, let your breath out thing when she gets frustrated....unfortunately she learned that from mom. She is getting so smart, it's amazing to watch.
-She points to everything she wants or where she wants to go
-Gets into absolutely everything. EVERYTHING!
-My new favorite thing she does is when you tell her to  'say cheese'. You really get cheesy...

And now you get some 'cheesy' from me. But oh, how I love this precious little girl. Court and I really can't get enough of her. The week of her birthday I couldn't stop looking at pictures and videos of her from when she was first born. We have always felt that this sweet girl came to us at the perfect time. We needed her. She is so very special to us. While I was pregnant I just had such strong feelings that she was going to be our special girl, that she would be completely sweet and loving and all those qualities would rub on to us, and they have times 20. How very grateful I am that I get to be Em's mama. She has me and her daddy wrapped around her cute, pudgy finger.

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