Monday, August 19, 2013

Em's 9 month post

I am FINALLY putting up Em's 9 month post, a lot late since she will be 10 months in one week! And confession: her '9 month' pictures are really 9 1/2 month pictures. Ooops. I guess you could say that with Em's increased mobility there is a decrease in mom's ability to blog :)

Here is my beautiful, not as little, 9 month Emery...

 Emery at 9 Months:
- Our tall lady. At her 9 month Dr. appointment she was still 98th percentile in height and almost 30 inches. She has always been about 3 months ahead in her clothes size too! 
-She is 19.7 pounds. 
-She has 8 (yes, 8) teeth. Technically, at 9 months she had 7 1/2
-Says 'Mama' or 'Mom' 
-Started crawling at almost 9 months 
-Does not like to go down for naps, but thank goodness I can still get her to take 2
-She still nurses, but only about 4 times a day (is that a lot still?)
-Loves, loves, loves her books and being read too
-Loves playing on the couch and mom and dad's bed. She loves to fall backwards and roll and jump on them. 
 -I can rarely keep a bow on her head now
 -Loves patty-cake
 -Just learning to high-five, I promise my hand looks like a normal hand in real life
 -Wants everything she is not supposed to have and cries when you take it away
 -Its hard to say no to those big, brown eyes though
 -I love this picture. It's her little mischievous grin she has before she's off to explore.
 -Was so happy when she figured out she could pull herself up onto her feet

 -Always on her tippy toes. 

- Likes to craw into the smallest of spaces, and into boxes or baskets, and on mom and dad...and every where. There is not a space on my floor or the back door where you can't find smudged little hand prints...but I love them.

 -Or booty prints. This little stink loves taking off her diapers! I always have to make sure there is a onsie on her now. She hates being dressed, and hates having a diaper on. She has turned into such a wiggle worm. I think changing her diaper should be an event in the olympics. 
 -Still loves swimming and bath time. This is her friend Owen :)
-LOVES mom's smoothies. I really think she would drink the entire glass if I let her.

Some things about Em that mom and dad are loving:
-Her personality. I love her growing personality, it's so cute. She is kind of quirky, and I love it. She is usually more quiet when there are a lot of people around and will study her surroundings first before just being her normal self. But she is so quick to smile. Every one who stops to look at her loves her because she gives them a big cheesy smile. I love it.
-If we are sitting or lying on the floor she will sometimes stop what she's doing and come lay her head on you and cuddle, just for a minute though before she is off again. 
-Getting her big slobbery and toothy kisses
-Her big brown eyes and all her teeth. I think her teeth are the cutest! Court always calls her Shark tooth now
-Hearing her say 'mama' and reading books with her
-Because she makes us the happiest
I say this every month post, but it's because I am truly in awe of how much my little babe has changed. She is growing up so fast. I told Court the other day that sometimes I am really sad she can crawl because I miss taking naps with her, he said he missed that too. I am loving watching her learn and figure out new things. I have loved this age. It is so fun, but there are more than a few times I find myself longing to have her really tiny again. I love my little Em. 

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