Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!

 Oh, yes we did...
 ....or tried
Having a baby makes Holidays 50 times more fun! Loved Em and Ansley's 4th of July dresses. 

We randomly decided to head up to the Cook Cabin the night before the 4th, and I am so glad we did. Only my grandparents and parents were able to make it up this year, but it was still such a fun and relaxing trip. I loved being able to spend so much uninterrupted time with just my little family-Court and Em. Here is a little bit of what we did.

 Every time someone rode by on their four-wheeler Em would stare at them like a hawk.
 This was Em's favorite chair, Warning: it will make you fall asleep every time you swing in it.
 Before the fireworks started
 She loved them!

 Grandpa always brought Em back cool rocks he found on his morning hike. She LOVED them. She played with those things more than the toys. Now they are in the 'Grand kids Rock Garden' in the front yard of our cabin. 
 She loved all the attention from Grandma and Grandpa! 
 Swinging with Great Grandpa
 Court's project my Grandma asked him to do for one of the cabin bathrooms. 
 Em and Grandpa. 
 Family quad ride. Yes, Em loved it.
 Almost as much as she loved this.

 The 2 cutest messy faces there ever were. (Don't worry, Court doesn't eat like a ravenous beast every meal. We had ribs that night so he didn't hold back haha)
 Her favorite chair
 Wanting this delicious dinner again

Hope every one had a wonderful 4th! I am so grateful for my Country and the freedoms I enjoy. How blessed my little family is! 

1 comment:

  1. This 4th of July was one of the best ever. I loved being able to spend so much time with Em (and you and Court). Love your pictures!
