Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We had a lot of fun at Thanksgiving! It was celebrated with the Cook family this year at my Aunt Kami's and Uncle Lars beautiful home. We had a great time with every one, and of course great food as well. 

 So glad Tanner got to come home from BYU.
 we had so many delicious pies!
 Caliber loved his new second cousin Emery and hardly ever left her side. 

 Wish I got a better picture, but I love that their house has a huge glass door that slides open to the outside. The weather is so nice right now and Lars and Kami have a beautiful patio deck that has an amazing view of all the city lights.
Can't see who is all here, but it was fun to sit around the fire pit and talk after dessert.

 We had a thankful tree this year at Thanksgiving. Everyone had to write what they were thankful for on a slip of paper then hang it on the tree. We passed around the thankful notes people wrote at dinner and I was reminded of just how truly blessed I am. We left that dinner with a very grateful heart. 

1 comment:

  1. The "thankful tree" is a cool idea.

    Caliber is Emery's first cousin once-removed, not her second-cousin. :)
