Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Nursery

I am finally putting up pictures of the nursery. There are just two things left to do, get a diaper pail (which will go next to the changing pad of course) and I need to get some picture frames for one of the walls, but other than that it is done! And I know both me and Court are biased but oh we love it! We would especially like to thank Craigslist because without it we would be broke :) and how can I not be so extremely grateful for Court who made or redid practically everything in Emery's room. So ladies and gents here are some pictures of Emery's room. 

 Walking in view
 This is probably my favorite, I love the framing around her name. Thank you Court for making one of my pinterest dreams come true.
 Court also made these shelves, yours truly painted them :) 
We actually had a lot of fun making a lot of the stuff and setting it all up together.
Awkward angle of the chair but there it is, and oh so comfy.
 The dresser with the knobs that i love. I could not take good pictures because of the light through the window and I was too impatient to wait until night time so sorry these next pictures kinda stink.
 The curtains me and my Aunt Katherine made. They turned out so cute and give the room a nice pinky glow.

 Our favorite picture above the night stand. Court liked this one best because he said the little girl looked like Emery. Haha I thought that was precious.

 And last but not least, our home continues to be taken over by baby stuff, which continues to make us more excited, which continues to make this last month last longer and longer. But it is good. We still have a few things left to get (Thank you Zulauf sisters by the way for the daily questions we ask you guys! You ladies keep us calm) and this little babe needs to bake just a bit longer.