Tuesday, May 12, 2015

10 Months

Crew-crew-cachoo turned 10 Months on April 17th. He is just changing so much! Getting so big and is still my sweet, cuddly but oh so adventurous and into everything boy! Here's our Crew-crew...

-He just started standing up by himself and you can tell he is so proud. It's so cute. 
-Holding onto things while taking steps
-Can say Dada and Mama
-Loves to play with Em and is always trying to climb on her and wrestle which she usually likes
-Gives the best kisses and best little hugs, he is so snuggly which I LOVE 
-Loves being chased up the stairs
-Wants binkys all the time
-Climbs and gets into everything!

 Like I said...into everything...
 Loves drinking from Mom's water bottle and is doing well at his sippys but still loves nursing. 
 He adores his sister.

 LOVES cars. Loves them! Whether he's driving or playing with them on the wood floor.
Love these babes. 

Utah Trip and more cousins

In March me and the kids a long with my mom and sister Lindsay took a trip to Utah. we had a good time. I got to stay with my sister-in-law, Leticia and her sweet family for a night before we headed up to Roosevelt. It was so fun to see them. Emery loved playing with all her cute cousins and I loved visiting with every one.
After our first day in Orem we headed up to Roosevelt where my Aunt Kelly and some of my cousins live. I got to stay with Sydney the first couple nights and my cousins Katy the rest of the trip. It was so much fun catching up with them and spending time with their cute kiddos. We haven't gotten to see them in some time so we had a blast. Emery loved all the kids and still talks about playing with them. Here's just a couple pics from the trip...

 At the dinosaur  museum, it was a lot of fun.

 The Trapnells came down to the best place in the world ;) and it was so fun to see them, Grammy and Uncle Ty. We loved being with the family and Em and Crew just loved all the cousins running around!
 Mace, Em and Bug

 Sun Baby

 Lincoln and Crew-crew
Em loves Buggy and loved Cooper!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hoppy Easter!

Easter was so much fun this year. It always is. I love Easter time! We all had a lot of fun coloring eggs, Easter baskets and I love our Cook family Easter picnic.

Here's a little look into our April/Easter time...

On Friday we had some friends over to swim and then we made "Easter cups." It was a lot of fun and wore the babes out. Bonus! 

We colored our Easter eggs when daddy got home. It was the first year we've done this since having kids, Em loved it. It was fun and messy. Crew was so mad he didn't get to hold any of the eggs. He wanted in on the action. 

Me and Em made some more Easter cups for the little kids at the family picnic.

Cheesy Crew-crew

So excited for the egg hunt.
She got a lot of help from cousin Savvy.

Crew stole found some Easter eggs too! 
She couldn't wait to show everyone the pink egg she found
This makes me happy.
Court taped a money egg on the back of his RC car and the kids loved that. The chase didn't last as long as we had hoped. I only caught a picture of the very end.
Em and Ans love to play with the big girl cousins.

Easter morning...

Sorry, but this was hilarious
Em kept saying they were robots.
What a fun morning we had!

So grateful for this wonderful Easter holiday and more grateful for the atonement of our savior!
Hope every one had a happy Easter! 

9 Months and fun

9 Months:

Crew turned 9 months on March 17th and finally got his crawling down the night before this. I am very happy about this bc I can tell he is much happier being able to get quickly to what he wants-usually me, Emmy or food :)

Crew at 9 Months:
-Crawls and bear crawls
-Pulls himself up
-Is eating so so good! He eats more than Em sometimes. His favorite snacks are cheese sticks, those baby cheeto things, apple sauce pouches and cubed sweet potatoes 
-Teething (again) 
-Wants every remote we own in his hands at all times
-Loves wrestling with daddy and Em
-Loves to be outside
-Very attached to mommy, he wiggles so much but still wants to be held a lot of the time
-Sleeping through the night! I feel human again! 

Now for some pics of our handsome guy...

Trapped himself under a stool
Em always gets this guy in the morning and it couldn't make Crew happier. They both play and laugh together in his crib for awhile in the mornings.
My most handsome 9 month old guy with binky in hand of course.
He pulled himself up a couple days after crawling
Me and my best guy
I can't believe that in a week he will be 10 months. He is almost ONE! I still feel like I barely gave birth to him. Oh my sweet Crew-Crew guy where'd this year go? 

Here's just a little bit of things that have gone on or going on with the Zulaufs...

One of my very good friends got married last month and I had a blast at her bachelorette party. It was so fun being with some of my best friends all day!

Emery LOVED making play dough. We had fun cutting out all kinds of shapes with the cookie cutters. Em was in heaven

One Saturday (Court had to work) we headed over to grandma and grandpas. A lady in their ward is a DJ and every so often she does 'kid dance parties'. Emery and Crew had a blast and so did Grandma and Grandpa. Okay, so did I.

The kids all got in a big circle and some would go dance in the middle. This is what this little stink did, haha. She's the best.
Grandpa and Crew-Crew, my dad said, "Hey, take a picture. We have the same haircut." Haha I love these two.
Aftermath of kid dance party

Boxes are the best kid toys. 
So happy. Cutest little munchkin

We have been spending almost every day outside. The weather is so nice and of course the babes love  it.

And we can't forget hanging out with Grandma and Cousin Ans!

We also started potty training yesterday. And it has been going great. This Emery girl continues to impress me. We have been talking about the potty, reading books about it and trying it out whenever Em wanted to since she was 18 months old. Once I knew she knew that she needed to go and that she could hold it and what not, I knew I needed to get this done. It has been quite painless actually. She hasn't had any accidents and is already doing most everything on her own. She even made it through the night, got up in the morning and went potty. 20,00 points go to her for making my life easy, bc I was dreading this. She's awesome! Im hoping it continues to be a breeze once we aren't inside our house anymore.

Can't believe how grown up she is! She gets another post soon bc she'll be 2 1/2 on the 26th. I can't believe it!!! What is happening to my squishy babies?!?!

I love being a mom to these babes. It can sometimes be a tantrum throwing (that's me) and exhausting day and sometimes even one I just want to get over with. But I still wouldn't change it. How could I ever want anything different than these two? For me, It's all I ever wanted.