Tuesday, August 12, 2014

One Month

Crew turned one month on July 17th. I can believe that in a week he'll be 2 months! Our first month with him was a little rough, but things are getting better and he is getting so big!

Here's our Crew man at 1 month old...

 Em loves him

It's amazing how fast these babes change in their first few months of life. I love watching their little skinny frog legs start filling out with those precious tiny rolls. I love the first smile and that they stay awake more during the day. I look at Em all the time and see her silly and fun personality and it makes me look so forward to seeing how our Crew will be.

So, like I said above the first month with him, really the first 6 weeks has been anything but easy. The first month my baby blues were pretty bad, combine that with an always crying babe and sleep deprivation and it can give you a run for your money. BUT through all the adjustment and the hardness of it all, I still just love this sweet, tiny babe. 

Things have definitely been getting easier. I knew something was up with Crew because when he ate he would cry with pain, he would arch his back and squirm. He always coughed and and always got hiccups after he ate. He always had horrible gas and night I would wake up and hear him gurgle and swallow, swallow, swallow. Then he would start crying as if it hurt. AT first we though it was just gas or maybe a food allergy. He didn't have a food allergy (thank goodness) but he was still crying all the time and I couldn't put him on his back more than 5-10 minutes at a time before he'd start crying. I did some research and took a quiz online on whether or not he had acid reflux. He scored a 90%. I took a couple more just to make sure and looked at all the symptoms. He had pretty much every one except for the projectile vomiting and stop breathing (so happy he doesn't do that). Anyway I called my doctor and poor crew has silent, acid reflux. It explained a lot. We got him on medicine 2 weeks ago and the last 4 days he has been quite a bit happier. I can even leave him on his back now. I still keep him upright after feedings for 20-30 minutes which also helps and he has to sleep on an incline. He wants to sleep on his stomach but I get so nervous about letting him. I will let him for naps though and he sleeps so good like that. 

It has been so nice to actually have a happy babe most the time rather than one who doesn't feel good all the time. I call him my precious. He is definitely a more demanding baby than Emery was but we love him so much. And seriously, he has the cutest, sweetest smile I have ever seen. He first smiled when he was exactly 6 weeks at Em, and now he will smile when mommy talks to him and it melts my heart. We adore our little Crew. Even on the hard days. He still loves his swing, his tummy and being the baby bjorn. Most of all he loves being held by mommy and sleeping on her. He also loves his pacifier, hopefully he'll be able to hold those in better soon. 

Until the 2 month post, that's our Crew man. He is already so much more filled out! 

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