Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

We had a fun New Years Eve and New Years day spent with friends and family. New Years Eve day was spent mostly just getting settled in from California trip, but we had fun that night. We stopped by my mom and dads to see the fam for just a bit and then headed to Faith and Shauns for games and fireworks. Our friends, Rachel and Jordan Reidhead, came too and we are so glad they did. We had a fun New Years Eve and am happy to say we all made it to midnight, which is an accomplishment when you are dealing with new, tired parents(me and Court) and 2 other very tired pregnant women (Rachel and Faith).  

New Years day was fun too. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures :( but anyway, it's a Cook family tradition to have a big, delicious breakfast. A great way to start my New Years resolution of losing baby weight haha. We had a great time eating and playing games. 

 Court got a little nervous of how close the sparkler was to Emery's head haha what a good and cautious daddy.

Happy New Year! We can't wait for the adventures 2013 will bring!