Me and Court told her all morning that this was her special day. We could feel the spirit very strong in our home and once we got to church and saw so many of our amazing family members. We knew there were very special family members there too who aren't with us on the earth anymore.
Court gave Emery a beautiful blessing. Grandpa Cook said he opened his eyes during the blessing and Emery was watching her daddy the entire time and never took her eyes off him. She knew something special was going on. So much love was felt on this day.
The blessing circle.
Devan, Andrew, Court, Dad(Bryce), Shaun, Grandpa Cook, Tyler and Tanner
4 Generations
All the family who was able to make it. So grateful to all who came and missed those who couldn't!
We had a little brunch after to celebrate and spend time being all together.
(should've gotten a picture of these filled up, woops)