Monday, January 7, 2013

Emery's Blessing

Emery had her blessing day yesterday. I don't even know where to begin it was such a wonderful day. Emery was an absolute angel, and looked like one too in her beautiful dress. I couldn't help but get teary eyed as I put it on her and thought to myself that this was her first of the three very important white dresses she will wear in her lifetime. 

Me and Court told her all morning that this was her special day. We could feel the spirit very strong in our home and once we got to church and saw so many of our amazing family members. We knew there were very special family members there too who aren't with us on the earth anymore. 

Court gave Emery a beautiful blessing. Grandpa Cook said he opened his eyes during the blessing and Emery was watching her daddy the entire time and never took her eyes off him. She knew something special was going on.  So much love was felt on this day. 

Our beautiful girl 

The blessing circle.
Devan, Andrew, Court, Dad(Bryce), Shaun, Grandpa Cook, Tyler and Tanner

4 Generations

 All the family who was able to make it. So grateful to all who came and missed those who couldn't!

We had a little brunch after to celebrate and spend time being all together.

 (should've gotten a picture of these filled up, woops)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2 Months

 Emery was exactly 2 months the day after Christmas so this post is coming a little late. Here is a picture of my 2 month old girl (this picture was actually taken the day of Christmas, close enough right?) .  

I can't believe how fast she is growing. I love it, she really is my sweetest girl.
Em at 2 months:
-Can focus much better now
-Definitely knows who her mommy and daddy are
-LOVES to smile (and mom and dad love that) 
-loves to move around her little legs and arms
-Much more vocal now, she has the cutest little noises.

We love our little growing girl!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

We had a fun New Years Eve and New Years day spent with friends and family. New Years Eve day was spent mostly just getting settled in from California trip, but we had fun that night. We stopped by my mom and dads to see the fam for just a bit and then headed to Faith and Shauns for games and fireworks. Our friends, Rachel and Jordan Reidhead, came too and we are so glad they did. We had a fun New Years Eve and am happy to say we all made it to midnight, which is an accomplishment when you are dealing with new, tired parents(me and Court) and 2 other very tired pregnant women (Rachel and Faith).  

New Years day was fun too. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures :( but anyway, it's a Cook family tradition to have a big, delicious breakfast. A great way to start my New Years resolution of losing baby weight haha. We had a great time eating and playing games. 

 Court got a little nervous of how close the sparkler was to Emery's head haha what a good and cautious daddy.

Happy New Year! We can't wait for the adventures 2013 will bring! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We had a wonderful Christmas this year. I think it was extra good because we have our beautiful little Emery now :) We headed up to California this year and were so happy to see Garffs, Skaggs, Zulaufs and of course Kaye/Grammie. We all had a lot of fun playing games, shopping and just being together. 

 Working on Christmas Eve dinner

 Granny Z and Court
 Emery waiting for her Christmas eve jammies from Grammie

 So cute

 Haha love this
 Christmas morning
 Em and Pres

 She is the sweetest
Trying to fit Em into a stocking
 So tired after Christmas

Face timing with the fam on Christmas!

While we were in California we also had a bonfire on the beach one night! It was so fun! 

We both felt like we had Christmas twice because we got to celebrate Christmas with Cook family before we left.We had a very fun time exchanging gifts, playing games and eating a wonderful dinner! Me and Court both feel so grateful for our wonderful families and for all the time we got to celebrate with them this Christmas season! 
We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! 

I love December

I love December because I feel like it's the month where you reconnect with friends and of course there is always family stuff going on, plus throw in the work parties and it is just a wonderful month because you are always around people you love :) Anyway, all of the girls I used to work with decided it was high time to have a get together. I am so glad we did because they are the best, and it is so fun to catch up with them! And a few still hadn't met Em yet. We had a fun night getting hot chocolate from Starbucks and then going back to Leah's house to decorate sugar cookies. 

 She was all smiles that night, but I only caught a half smile on camera.

Devan and Court with their babies haha