Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Work Poll

Last Saturday, the girls and I at work decided to have a little poll. Is Little Small a baby girl or a baby boy? Just less than a week until we know for sure! As you can see it was split 50/50. Yellow was my color b/c I don't have a totally decided side, but I am leaning a little more towards the left. Haha we'll see though, I really have no idea and will be completely happy no matter what Little Small is.
Team Pink is on the left and Team Blue on the right.
Can I just tell everyone how much i absolutely love these ladies! They are my very best friends and just as excited as I am about this little babe coming :) I really don't know what I would do without them.

The lovelies of Team Blue

And of course the lovelies of Team Pink.

Oh, Shout out on here to Leah! Love her! She's the one on the left in the above picture. She is the brilliant mind behind the nick name of 'Little Small' which every one uses. Let's be honest, it has a cute little ring to it :)

Be expecting another post quite soon after May 29th! We'll have had Court's Birthday, a California trip which is much needed with some best friends and of course boy or girl!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is gunna be a long one

    A 2 months later update is not as bad as a year and a half later update right? Well, even though it's only been 2 months there is quite a bit to catch up on! Hence, this post is going to be a long one.

    So lets just start with the big one....Baby Zulauf is on his or her way! Court and I am so excited. We'll know if our little small is a boy or girl on May 29th, a good little birthday present for Court :) Court is hoping for a boy(of course) I am completely happy either way. I just want to know already! November 8th will not come soon enough! It's been fun as we have started preparing what we need to get and do before our little small gets here. Here is a little look into how the pregnancy has been going.

5 WEEKS. Couldn't believe I was pregnant,but was so excited!
At this point I didn't really have any symptoms, I felt just the same.

8 WEEKS. Definitely started feeling a little different.
The nausea and upset stomach started at week 6 and man, that is definitely something I would not mind going without.
Favorite thing about this week, I had my first Doctor appointment and got to see my little bean and so did my little sister Kristen who came with me because Court had to work. I was so excited to see that little thing movin around, I just started laughing. I think Kristen was just as excited as me too. I got a picture for Court, my mom and dad and the fridge at work, haha obsessed much?
Around week 9ish, I could definitely tell a physical difference, no bump really but definitely a thicker waist.
Loved, loved, loved hearing the heart beat! It makes it so much more real!

WEEK 12 1/2
Got a little bump. 
Now that we're almost to week 15 I see a huge difference. For those who know I'm pregnant they notice my bump a lot more, Others who don't know..haha I get the looks like is she??? or is it chub? Kinda fun. It's been a little hard being in this in between stage, just today I could only zip my Sunday skirt about half way as for the button on my jeans, HA! I think I can still button one pair.
Been very happy the morning sickness seems to be no more. It stopped around week 13. The nausea too has been much better! Only comes every now and then.

Court has been amazing through out the whole thing. He doesn't like the fact that my sense of smell seemed to have increased by like 100% haha I just tell him neither do I. Every where we go he says I always say 'Can you smell that?' He is so excited though and we have fun planing for our little guy or gal. I still can't even stand the sight of sweet pork(Court is a little sad about that one, no more cafe rio) mashed potatoes and cheeze-its. Besides that though, this has been an adventure that we are enjoying and I know we can't wait to be able to feel our little small move and of course to know what we're having! We feel so lucky to have so much support too, our families of course have been amazing and all the girls at work are soooo excited! I have loved that all my sister in laws have had babies so I can ask them anything and they have so much knowledge to share :)

Moving on, we celebrated my mom's Birthday on March 13th which was fun! I love my mom and am so happy to be close by her! 

       Unfortunately, Me and Court were both slackers with the camera and didn't get any pictures of Easter time. We had a blast though! Noel and Greg came down to Mesa along with Shelby and precious baby Presley and Kaye. We had a wonderful time and were so happy we got to spend time with everyone. We had fun having breakfast at Faith and Shauns and an egg hunt at Free Stone Park.

      Another fun thing that happened in April was Rocky Point vacation! It was so much fun! Minus the fact that Court wasn't able to come because of work. Here are some pictures of the trip.

We had a fun group, all the brother and sisters except for Trevor who started his new job in Washington, and of course Courty. Aunt Kelly and Aunt T got to come though and they always make things more fun :)

My beautiful sisters

Mom and aunts favorite thing to do on this trip. Shop.

On the way to the Fish Market.


Me and Kwisten

Mis Padres

The waves were wonderful this year! We has so much fun swimming!

Thrifty's Ice cream at the fish market is a tradition we never miss.

Last day

Me and Tanner found a Star Fish

Our beautiful pools that we swam every day in.

Overall, Rocky Point was so much fun and as always so relaxing, which was nice :) Thank you Rocky Point for the fun, family time and tans!